This example creates a simple selection for J/psi → mu+ mu- using the Particle Selection Framework (i.e. CombineParticle). It is a simplified version of the algorithm described in DaVinciTutorial4.
from Gaudi.Configuration import * from GaudiKernel.SystemOfUnits import MeV, GeV from Configurables import CombineParticles from PhysSelPython.Wrappers import Selection, SelectionSequence, DataOnDemand # prepare input data _muons = DataOnDemand('_stdLooseMuons', Location = 'StdLooseMuons') # create algorithm myalg = CombineParticles("myalg") # define decay and cuts myalg.DecayDescriptor = "J/psi(1S) -> mu+ mu-" myalg.CombinationCut = "ADAMASS('J/psi(1S)')<30*MeV" myalg.MotherCut = "(VFASPF(VCHI2/VDOF)<10)" # add plots to algorithm from Configurables import LoKi__Hybrid__PlotTool as PlotTool myalg.HistoProduce = True myalg.addTool ( PlotTool ( 'DaughtersPlots' ) ) myalg.DaughtersPlots.Histos = { 'P' : ('momentum' , 0*GeV ,30*GeV) , 'M' : ('mass' ,0*GeV,1*GeV) } myalg.addTool( PlotTool ( "MotherPlots" ) ) myalg.MotherPlots.Histos = { "P" : ('momentum',0*GeV,100*GeV) , "M" : ('mass',0*GeV,4*GeV) } # create selection # Selection needs to be defined after all changes to the Algorithm LooseJpsi2MuMu = Selection("seqLooseJPsi2MuMu", Algorithm = myalg, RequiredSelections =[ _muons ]) # start selection sequence mySeq = SelectionSequence("mySeq", TopSelection = LooseJpsi2MuMu) # configure the application. from Configurables import DaVinci DaVinci().UserAlgorithms = [ mySeq.sequence() ] DaVinci().HistogramFile = "histograms.root" # Histogram file DaVinci().EvtMax = 1000 # Number of events to loop over DaVinci().DataType = "MC09" # Default anyway DaVinci().Simulation = True # It's MC
For more details about the names used in the DecayDescriptor, look at the ParticleTable. For a list of availbale funtors for CombinationCut and MotherCut, check the Loki references.
SetupProject Ganga
ganga -g
t = JobTemplate( application = DaVinci( )) t.application.optsfile = File( "~/example/" )
t.inputdata = browseBK() # select MC / MC09 / Beam5TeV-VeloClosed-MagDown-Nu1 / MC09-Sim03Reco02-withTruth / 24142000 / DST # you could instead use an python option file with the data locations # (see below on how to generate one) #t.application.optsfile.append( File( "~/example/" ) ) # the Ganga-Manual marks this as depreciated
j = Job( t, backend = Interactive() ) j.submit()
MC / MC09 / Beam5TeV-VeloClosed-MagDown-Nu1 / MC09-Sim03Reco02-withTruth / 24142000 / DST
SetupProject DaVinci
The Algorithm creates a file called histograms.root.
Start root and have a look at the histograms.