On lxplus, do:
SetupProject LHCb --dev --use-grid lhcb-proxy-init
Now create a folder where your database should be, like ~/mydatabase
. Set this path to $SQLITEDBPATH
Then do:
CondDBAdmin_MakeSnapshot.py --options $SQLDDDBROOT/options/SQLDDDB-Oracle.py -s 2010-02-01UTC -u yyyy-mm-ddUTC ONLINE sqlite_file:myFileName.db/ONLINE
where yyyy-mm-dd is the date in year-month-day which it should cover.
from Configurables import CondDB, CondDBAccessSvc CondDB(UseOracle = False) connection="sqlite_file:/afs/cern.ch/user/initial/name/mydatabase/myFileName.db/ONLINE" CondDB().addLayer(CondDBAccessSvc("DB",ConnectionString=connection))
CondDB().UseLatestTags = ["2011"]
if you want to use the latest tag for 2011 data. For real data it should always be safe to use the latest tag (this is not the case for MC)
In the bookkeeping-browser: First click on Advanced Queries
, then navigate yourself to the production name (for example Stripping 17b
) and then right-click to get to More Information
. There you should be able to read of the database tags.