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  1. Checked the trigger efficiency with our selection (abs(dijet_deta)<1.2 && abs(jet1_eta)<2.5 && abs(jet2_eta)<2.5 && jet1_pt>90 && jet2_pt>45 && dijet_mass>100 && PassJSON && isr_pt > 50 && HLT_CaloJet40_CaloScouting_PFScouting && run⇐280385 && run>=277991) and for HLT_CaloScoutingHT250 trigger using the Calo Commissioning samples. At the left - trigger efficiency from AN and at the right - the trigger efficiency using our selection and HLT_CaloScoutingHT250 trigger.
  2. We are interested in the range 200-600 GeV. Plot below shows the trigger efficiency from ~200 to ~700 GeV. The trigger efficiency reaches 100% after 260 GeV.
users/danyyl/dijet/20180530.txt · Last modified: 2018/05/31 14:07 by dbrzhech