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Fitting the data

  1. Files were successfully created with one histogram (83.5e8 events for Run2016F). Data for Run F 2016
  2. Some of the files are empty. Need to understand why.
  3. Tried to fit first time: FAILED  Fit first time the data
  4. Tried refit for 300-600 GeV dijet mass range. Have CALL LIMIT from Migrad
  5. Try to increase numbers of calls. Fit FAILS or CALL LIMIT
    Fit:0: RuntimeWarning: Abnormal termination of minimization.
     FCN=67.6805 FROM MIGRAD    STATUS=FAILED         76 CALLS          77 TOTAL
                         EDM=842.025    STRATEGY= 1      ERR MATRIX NOT POS-DEF
      EXT PARAMETER                APPROXIMATE        STEP         FIRST
      NO.   NAME      VALUE            ERROR          SIZE      DERIVATIVE 
       1  p0_bkg_0     5.36334e-02   4.32417e-07  -0.00000e+00  -7.29834e+10
       2  p1_bkg_0     2.48194e+01   1.86021e-02   0.00000e+00   6.43726e+04
       3  p2_bkg_0     6.86153e+00   1.38807e-04  -0.00000e+00   2.37702e+08
       4  p3_bkg_0     5.32199e-01   2.89695e-06   0.00000e+00  -1.11780e+10
                                   ERR DEF= 0.5
  6. Started to implement RooFit in my plot-fit code (from
  7. Ran the jobs for another Runs of 2016.
What to do next?
  1. Add RooFit to my code
  2. Fit background with the help of RooFit
  3. Wait for whole data set
users/danyyl/dijet/20180509.txt · Last modified: 2018/05/18 14:16 by dbrzhech