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  1. Finished “cosmetic” stuff for plot-fit code, added log-scale and added the “ratio” plot.
  2. Fit the data with background function from EXO-16-032:
    1. First plot:
    2. Silvio proposed to reduce the range of fit to 300-800 GeV:
    3. Add L1_HTT240 to the selection that I am using to the and to my fit-plot script. Check locally if it works. Made plot with L1_HTT240 == 1 from histogram and from tree using the selection. On ratio plot draw only the histogram within fit range. Fit looks nice, but the Hesse matrix is not positive defined (FROM HESSE STATUS=NOT POSDEF). Can be caused by correlation between the parameters in the background fit function (chisquare/ndof = 0.498048183018 also can be caused by correletion, ndof = Nbins - 4).
  3. Run on the data failed yesterday, because of full /tmp folder (yesterday t3 admins said me about this). Only one files survived (50 MB), so I was running my script on tiny part of the data (~220k events).
  4. Performing the test before run with batch on the part of the data (Run 2016F). File is stored without ntuple and with histogram that is not empty (with the new selection).
  5. Launch batch jobs on the data for Run2016F. It shouldn't full /tmp (because stores only histogram that we want).

Next steps

  1. Need to work on the background fit (it must converge)
  2. Wait for files to fit tomorrow
users/danyyl/dijet/20180508.txt · Last modified: 2018/05/08 20:33 by dbrzhech