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Alternative Delphes instructions

Getting the software

  • You can either use the CMS “short-version” or the official version of Delphes. The CMS version contains Detector Cards for the Phase 2 detector layout with 140 PU and is recommended for our purposes.
  • In order to use Delphes you need to have ROOT installed. If you are using Scientific Linux 5 you can do this by setting up CMSSW (export SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc481; cmsrel CMSSW_7_1_1; CMSSW_7_1_1/src/; cmsenv). If you are using SLC6 (t3ui12, t3ui15), you get compilation issues when using the CMS version and I recommend doing 'source /swshare/ROOT/' at PSI. I recommend using SLC6 as this is needed for tkLayout (which we will use later).
  • Instrucions on how to set up the CMS Delphes version can be found here. A summary is given below.

Fork the code from Git here (or here for the official version) before cloning it to your local directory.

Do yourself a favour and be organized:

     mkdir $HOME/Phase2UpgradeStudies
     cd $HOME/Phase2UpgradeStudies

Clone your personal copy of the repository

   git clone$USERNAME/Delphes

Make an alias to the main repository so you can fetch the latest changes

   git remote add official_delphes //or for the official


   cd Delphes/

Congratulations, you are now ready to run Delphes! Depending on what type of input files you want to use, different codes are run. For HepMC files the syntax is

   ./DelphesHepMC Datacard.tcl output.root input.hepmc

Three arguments must be passed: the data card containing the detector configuration, the output file and the input MC file.
Try your setup with some Z→ee events and an example data card:

 gunzip z_ee.hep.gz 
 ./DelphesSTDHEP examples/delphes_card_CMS.tcl delphes_output.root z_ee.hep

Examine the output:

 root -l
 TBrowser browser;   

The different branches of the “Delphes” tree are listed here. For macro based analysis look in the examples/ directory. Example1.C gives a simple example of histogram booking, event loop and histogram display. Check the WorkBook for more advanced examples.

phase2/old_phase2.txt · Last modified: 2015/01/15 18:59 by taarre