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How to run BER test

  • Connect UZH L3 Testboard with LVDS input signal connected
  • Connect a POH with fiber 2 connected to L3 position
  • Connect Dani's BER board: CON880A: Data OUT, CON500C: Data IN
Data OUT: Ethernet cable going to UZH L3 Testboard
Data IN: Ethernet cable coming from FED

* Turn on CCU and opto power
* Configure POH. Login to cmspixel2:
cd TriDAS/pixel/BPixelTools/ccu
> reset
> piareset all
> scanccu
> i2c 0x13 0x1a 10
> i2c 0x13 0x1b 0
  • Initialize digital FED 0x4C000000. Login to cmspixel:
cd TriDAS/pixel/BPixelTools/initfed
> initFitelN

* Connect Dani's BER board: CON880A: Data OUT, CON500C: Data IN
* Data OUT: Ethernet cable going to UZH L3 Testboard
* Data IN: Ethernet cable coming from FED
phase1/phase1/runber.1468396421.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/07/13 09:53 by leac