Status of the running jobs

  1. Found 1 very problematic job. Try to solve the problem and find the issue that causes crash.
  2. Solved. There is a problem with one of the files from the calo-scouting data. So, skipped it.
  3. Still running the last jobs, but the greatest part of them are finished. So, I hadd-ed them to look at the data for pt > 40 GeV cut for all jets (instead of 55 GeV) and how the ATLAS/UA2 function, that fits well the data for pt > 55 GeV, fits the new data.

First results of the fit of the 2016 data (with the fixed pt cut)

  1. The plot below shows the dijet mass spectrum with fit and ratio plot.fit_mjj_full_calotrijet2016_new_function.pdf The fit that is using here is the new function from the dijet team, which they describe in the AN-17-013 p. 28. They added addition parameter time log function squared to fit the low-mass dijet mass spectrum. For Atlas/UA2 function fit looks worse fit_mjj_full_calotrijet2016_atlas_ua2.pdf p0*exp(-p2*x-p3*x*x-p4*x*x*x)/pow(x,p1).

Service work

  1. Check the residuals distribution for the run 317663.bpix_resolution_run_317663.pdf - residuals looks well. Not much difference with compare to the previous runs.
  2. Also, produced the residual plots and changed my slides for the pixel offline meeting (could be mentioned on CMS Week): . This presentation corresponds to the resolution in RelVals: we compared resolution for mc samples without charge re-weighting, with end of 2017 template and charge re-weighting and 2018 charge re-weighting. Also, we checked the resolution for samples with the realistic DCDC issue sim, MC reference and data. And also checked the phi dependence of the residuals (mean and rms) for MC with strip inefficiency simulation.