Table of Contents

Run 2 miniAOD Ntuplizer

Working with the Ntuplizer in Git

Set up CMSSW:

cmsrel CMSSW_7_3_0
cd CMSSW_7_3_0/src

Fork your own version of the code here. Do

git clone`git config user.github`/EXOVVNtuplizerRunII.git
cd EXOVVNtuplizerRunII

If you want to fetch the latest changes from the “official” version you need to add the main repository as a remote (or if you want to push to this repository as a collaborator):

git remote add official_ntuplizer

check if it works:

git remote -v 


cd Ntuplizer
scram b

To run the code


To inspect the Python configuration file interactively


If you are a collaborator and wish to push your changes to the remote repository, but this repository has changed since you cloned the code:

git fetch official_ntuplizer
git merge master official_ntuplizer/master

You will then be asked to resolve merge conflicts in some files if there are any. Open the files in question and merge them manually. After this is done do

git add nameoffixedmergeconflictfile
git commit -m "What you did"
git push official_ntuplizer master

(Ons! If you are a bit nervous like me and want to keep your own “unmarked” version as a backup, you can start by checking out a new “merge branch”:

git checkout -b mergebranch
git fetch official_ntuplizer
git merge mergebranch official_ntuplizer/master

Fix merge conflicts, add and commit. If the merging went well and you don't need your unmarked version anymore, you can merge the new branch with the master branch and delete the new:

git checkout master
git merge mergebranch 
git branch -d mergebranch
git push official_ntuplizer master


Submitting jobs
python -C submitJobsOnT3batch.cfg --useDAS

Resolved and unresolved issues