====== Tessy.lbl.gov ====== ===== Getting an account ===== Please email xinranli@lbl.gov with your preferred account name. I'll create the account with a temporary password. After the first login, please change your password, and add your ssh key: On your local computer: ''$ ssh-keygen'' Password is optional. Then ''$ cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub'' Copy the output 'ssh-rsa xxxxxxx username@hostname' Then ssh to your Tessy account ''$ mkdir -p /home/user_name/.ssh && touch /home/user_name/.ssh/authorized_keys'' ''$ vim /home/user_name/.ssh/authorized_keys'' Paste the public key, save and close file. ===== Organizing files ===== ===== Backup ===== ===== Using Python ===== Most users will need ''pytesdaq'' ''detprocess'' and ''jupyter'' to do analysis. Please follow the instructions below to install the packages: 1. Install miniconda ''[xxx@tessy ~]$ mkdir -p ~/miniconda3'' ''[xxx@tessy ~]$ wget https://repo.anaconda.com/miniconda/Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh -O ~/miniconda3/miniconda.sh'' ''[xxx@tessy ~]$ bash ~/miniconda3/miniconda.sh -b -u -p ~/miniconda3'' ''[xxx@tessy ~]$ rm -rf ~/miniconda3/miniconda.sh'' 2. Configure conda virtual environment ''[xxx@tessy ~]$ ~/miniconda3/bin/conda init bash'' Exit and reconnect. Or ''[xxx@tessy ~]$ source ~/.bashrc''. Now you should see the command line starting with ''(base)[xxx@tessy ~]$'' The default conda environment ''base'' is python 3.11. We need python 3.10 for ''vaex'' (https://github.com/vaexio/vaex/issues/2368). So let's create a new environment: ''(base)[xxx@tessy ~]$ conda deactivate'' ''[xxx@tessy ~]$ conda create -n py3_10 python=3.10'' ''[xxx@tessy ~]$ conda activate py3_10'' You may add the first and third lines to the end of ''~/.bashrc'' such that conda enters the ''py3_10'' automatically next time you log in. 3. Install packages. **Make sure you are in the correct conda environment**. Conda suggests using ''conda install package_name'' first, and if the package can not be found, use ''pip install''. ''(py3_10)[xxx@tessy ~]$ conda install -c conda-forge vaex'' ''(py3_10)[xxx@tessy ~]$ conda install jupyter'' ''(py3_10)[xxx@tessy ~]$ pip install pytesdaq'' ''(py3_10)[xxx@tessy ~]$ pip install detprocess'' ===== Using Geant4 ===== ===== Using ROOT =====