====== Engineering Meeting Sep 25, 2024 ====== Zoom link: https://uzh.zoom.us/j/5166204490?pwd=VUt1VmFLVmJsYTExeXJka0JwbUlIQT09 Attendance: Gordon, Andrey, Emma, Maurice, Kamil, Alex, Peter S. Dan, Simon Meeting recordings: * Introduced Kamil * IR shielding presentation from Emma, discussing joint details * Joint details: No resolution yet, material thicknesses and assembly an issue * Squid card: sufficient space for up to 64 (?) channels * Cabling/Electronics accommodation: Needs larger diameter to be able to run ribbon cables both on both neck sizes. Ideally increase inner diameter (cold shield), reduce distance to still shield * Need to update the simulation, there is quite some difference in weight between what is in the latest sim and * Separate the IR shielding flange from the gamma-ray copper shield * Include reasonable cosmogenic activation * Gordon will contact Sylvia because of DocDB * There was a meeting last week * Task and rought estimates for cryogenic meeting was schedule * Cryogenic CDR in October, PDR of both in Feb? * Starting to work with Matt and Julien on Vibrations, needs vibration specs * BP: Start wiki and we start populating