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For a more detailed user guide see: Setup Project User Guide

runtime environment

To set a runtime environment use:


This will first look for the Project in User_release_area.

To see which versions exist use:

SetupProject PROJECT --list


SetupProject PROJECT --ask

build environment

SetupProject PROJECT --build-env [VERSION]

This will create a “user project” in User_release_area. If the project already exists it will not be modified. If no version is given, SetupProject will be ask.

Traps & Hints
  • Setting up a build environment is needed only once (when starting a new user project). To continue development the runtime environment is enough.
  • Setting up a build environment will not set up a runtime environment.
start/setupproject.1264413971.txt.gz · Last modified: 2010/01/25 11:06 by nchiap