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Find information on triggers

TCKsh is a tool to extract information about the different trigger configurations. To use it, set up Moore and start the script

SetupMoore v12r3

At the moment (05-2012) the latest version seems to be broken.

Once TCKsh has started, you can list configurations and print information

#list all configurations
>>> listConfigurations()
# select the trigger of interest based on the titles and the 3rd column of the print out.
# the important number is the hexadecimal value in the first column.
# [...]
#    Physics_Mar2011
#      0x005b0032 : dbe6c7e854b29c2e54c470375f37819a : Enable 500Hz+500Hz MicroBias
#      0x005a0032 : 44072b09e42a6086c41a1f1d65d69014 : Default
#    VanDerMeerScan_Mar11
#      0x05c71710 : 3908dddb24ecbc3343b62ee26ffb12dd : Default
#    Physics_May2011
#      0x00740036 : 388fc4995db5f5a025e3240fe014aac2 : HighLumi, MaxOTHits=15000, Hlt1MBNoBias=97Hz
#      0x00730035 : 8716dbd4b4d38eef499f85812c91cbac : Default, MaxOTHits=15000, Hlt1MBNoBias=97Hz
#      0x006b0032 : 9678b044a873c47db97c0ecf0573b657 : Default, MaxOTHits=10000
#      0x006d0034 : 9166f3c8cbdb4b99c92423f55c60e156 : Default, MaxOTHits=15000, Hlt2LowMultHadron=0.1, L0NoSPD=1
#      0x00720036 : 56cd6d0c22321d897ca1286a099a71af : HighLumi, MaxOTHits=15000
#      0x006d0032 : e6713cde105f6c1202d81c6a4306da5d : Default, MaxOTHits=15000, Hlt2LowMultHadron=0.1
#      0x00700034 : b69986eed8edd43b713610dac919ae17 : Default, MaxOTHits=15000, Hlt2LowMultHadron=0.1, L0NoSPD=1, Hlt1L0AnyNoSPD=0.00001
#      0x006e0032 : 82f842ea88f4652ae758bd6af53647da : Default, MaxOTHits=10000, Hlt2LowMultHadron=0.1
#      0x006c0032 : dcc16783839a08a65acc2050cc082a70 : Enable 500Hz+500Hz MicroBias, MaxOTHits=15000
#      0x006a0032 : 91a5aaecfa7e5697357816db33b90993 : Default, MaxOTHits=15000
#      0x00710035 : b762a6fd73976ff0d5eb1fe7029f674c : Default, MaxOTHits=15000
#      0x006f0032 : 08350ec11fc249339d8c713f285fef00 : Enable 500Hz+500Hz MicroBias, MaxOTHits=15000, Hlt2LowMultHadron=0.1
#    Calibration_VeloMicroBias
#      0x00561710 : 82c17e438a7ae8ef75886a96516689ef : Prescale=0.1
#      0x00571710 : c4ace4aa078bec1fe5988d5a55b60c21 : Prescale=0.01
#      0x00551710 : 3336d097506f653777f904586b585191 : Prescale=1
#      0x00591710 : e49b7c6d8ee929d2b021f7b978746139 : Prescale=0.0001
#      0x00641710 : 00ec5561c0843f555cfc5335a880052e : Prescale=1, ODIN == ( Physics | Timing | BeamGas )
#      0x00581710 : 8c928c174ee9c414f373002c6e143427 : Prescale=0.001
#    Commissioning_OTCosmics
#      0x809a0000 : 50d0a85f815e5770b0e0dddfbe9e6175 : Default
#    PassThrough
#      0x80970000 : d7729757255943112dbfd53aca01c899 : ODINPhys,Timing acc=1, ODINTech,Aux,NZS,Calib acc=PVSS, TELL1Error acc=0
# [...]
# We pick the //Default, MaxOTHits=15000// trigger from //Physics_May2011// (0x00710035)
# to print the included (Hlt1-) trigger-lines run
>>> listHlt1Lines(0x00710035)
# [...] 'Hlt::Line/Hlt1DiMuonLowMass', 'Hlt::Line/Hlt1SingleMuonNoIP', 'Hlt::Line/Hlt1SingleMuonHighPT' [...]
# to get the settings of one of the printed lines, use
>>> dump(0x00710035, lines='Hlt1SingleMuonNoIP')
search/trigger.1336739524.txt.gz · Last modified: 2012/05/11 14:32 by nchiap