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Useful things for Gauss

How to write out MCParticles in Gauss

It can be very useful to let Gauss write out MCParticles in the Generation directly (without the detector simulation), which then can be analysed. This can be achieved the following way:

gtos = GenerationToSimulation()
gtos.SkipGeant = True
gs = GaudiSequencer("GenMonitor")
MCTruthStream = OutputStream("MCTruthStream")
MCTruthStream.ItemList += [ "/Event/Gen#1", "/Event/Gen/HepMCEvents#1", "/Event/MC#1", "/Event/MC/Header#1", "/Event/MC/Particles#1", "/Event/MC/Vertices#1" ]
gs.Members += [ SimInit(), gtos, MCTruthStream ]

The root file can then be run over with an MCTupleTool in DaVinci (with certain restrictions, i.e. only tools which only access 4-vectors will run…)

gauss/gauss.1319894526.txt.gz · Last modified: 2011/10/29 15:22 by decianm