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How to add a new version of a Gaudi software


If you work locally, you first have to execute the lines described here (up to install CMT environment).

Install new Version

(The following examples will all be for DaVinci) Type

setenvDaVinci vXrYpZ

which will install a directory ~/cmtuser/DaVinci_vXrYpZ in your home directory (where: v stands for version, r for release and p for patch). If you only want to execute your own algorithms, thats all you have to install. Otherwise:

Install new packages

Packages are ordered in <package group>/<group>, for instance Phys/DaVinci or Hlt/HltSelections. If you want to install one of these packages, type:

getpack <package group>/<group>

You then have to type your password several times (locally) until the package is downloaded.

Add your own cpp-scripts to a package

In the package of your choice (for instance Phys/DaVinci), create a folder src, where you put your .cpp and your .h files in. Then go to the folder /cmt, open the requirements file and add:

branches          cmt doc job options python src

(only the src should be missing) and

# ============================================================================
# Component library building rule
# ============================================================================
library     Analysis     ../src/*.cpp -import=AIDA

# ============================================================================
# define component library link options
# ============================================================================
apply_pattern component_library library=Analysis

This will ensure that the code in the folder src is compiled and added to the Analysis-library. Then type:

cmt config
cmt make

which will finally compile your cpp-files.

Before you start your job


SetupProject DaVinci vXrYpZ
gaudi/newversion.1244018569.txt.gz · Last modified: 2009/06/03 10:42 by decianm