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How to plot the number of open channels as function of the run number

  • Login as lhcb@ckm
  •  cd /disk/home/hep/lhcb/noise/ 
  • use bash shell
  •  source 
  • Go to the directory where the files (or the symbolic links) are located, e.g.:

    There is a folder for each year containing the root files. To create plots of a selection of files, create symbolic links in a new folder and run the script there. E.g of folders containing links: links_All, links_hvOn.

  • To add links (pointing to new files recorded in 2010) to a existing selection you have to copy all the root files into the 2010 folder, create a text file containing all the filenames (e.g: /2010> ls > files_2010.txt) and run the script in the directory containing the links.
  • Use the script



    If no arguments are passed to the script, the usage will be explained!

  • Plots will be saved in new folder
countnbad/count_low_noise_channels.1268832729.txt.gz · Last modified: 2010/03/17 14:32 by viktorh