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Storing Data on Castor


Castor is a storage manager system used to store physics production files and user files It can be used to store large files that are too large for your lxplus account. The access to the files is however a bit different than on lxplus.

Your directory on castor

If your username on lxplus is myusername, then you will have a directory under: /castor/ To make the access a little easier, it may be helpful to define a path $CASTOR to this directory (setenv CASTOR /castor/ in your .tcshrc file).

Accessing your data on castor

To access your data the normal unix-commands like ls, mkdir, etc. will not work. Instead you have to use special commands. The most important are:

  • rfdir - List the files in the directory (used like ls).
  • rfrename - Renames and/or moves a file to a different directory (used like mv).
  • rfmkdir - Creates a new directory (used like mkdir).
  • rfcp - Copies files (used like cp). Use the -r option to copy recursively.
  • rfrm - Removes a file (used like rm).

A longer list of commands can be found here.

NOTE: Tab-completion does not work in castor!

How to store files on castor in a DaVinci-job

If you want to write a miniDST, it may be a good idea to store it on castor, as the (mini)DST files usually tend to be large. To store them on castor, add a rfio: before the castor-path in your Python-options file:

castor/storecastor.1233045789.txt.gz · Last modified: 2009/01/27 09:43 by decianm