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TT Alignment

Scaling / Shift

Layer z-position

Magnet off
#events 25000
Data Files
Production 6241
Run 69922 - 69948
Run Date 12.04.2010
TrackType DoF DB DBLayer Who TT TTaX TTaU TTbV TTbX comments
Upstream TT(TxTyTzRxRyRz), TTLayers(TxTzRyRz) head-20100407 TTnominal Christoph -3.39 1.21 0.57 -1.66 -0.60 (1)
Upstream TT(TxTyTzRxRyRz), TTLayers(TxTzRyRz) head-20100518 TTnominal Nicola -3.09 1.47 0.74 -1.77 -0.56 (1)
Downstream TT(TxTyTzRxRyRz), TTLayers(TxTzRyRz) head-20100518 TTnominal Nicola 4.96 1.57 -0.88 0.33 -0.82 (1)
Downstream TT(TxTyTzRxRyRz), TTLayers(TxTzRz) head-20100518 TTnominal Nicola 4.48 1.62 -1.00 0.35 -0.79
Long TT(TxTyTzRxRyRz), TTLayers(TxTzRyRz) head-20100407 TTnominal Christoph -2.57 1.25 0.53 -1.77 -0.42 (1)
Long TT(TxTyTzRxRyRz), TTLayers(TxTzRyRz) head-20100518 TTnominal Nicola -3.06 1.42 0.97 -1.81 -0.70 (1)
Long TT(TxTyTzRxRyRz), TTLayers(TxTzRz) head-20100518 TTnominal Nicola -3.03 1.40 0.97 -1.78 -0.71
Long TT(TxTyTzRxRyRz), TTLayers(TxTzRyRz) head-20100518 v1.10-TTnominal Nicola -3.03 1.41 0.95 -1.78 -0.70 (2 pre)
Long TT(TxTyTzRxRyRz), TTLayers(TxTzRyRz) head-20100518 v1.10-TTnominal Nicola -3.03 1.40 0.95 -1.77 -0.70 (2 post)
Long TT(TxTyTzRxRyRz), TTLayers(TxTzRyRz) head-20100518 v1.10-TTnominal Nicola -3.01 1.39 0.97 -1.76 -0.71 (3)
Long TT(TxTyTz), TTLayers(TxTz) head-20100518 v1.10-TTnominal Nicola -2.99 1.40 0.98 -1.78 -0.72 (3)
Long TT(TxTyTz), TTHalfLayers(TxTz) head-20100518 v1.10-TTnominal Nicola 1.01 2.22, -0.58 1.46, 0.09 2.92, 3.22 2.81, 2.87 A, C
Upstream TT(TxTyTz), TTHalfLayers(TxTz) head-20100518 v1.10-TTnominal Nicola 1.93 0.38, 0.23 -1.03, -0.54 2.83, 0.48 2.72, 0.72 A, C
Long TT(TxTyTzRxRyRz), TTHalfLayers(TxTzRz) head-20100518 TTnominal Nicola 0.93 2.95, -1.49 2.29, -1.09 1.85, 4.28 1.51, 3.74 A, C
Downstream TT(TxTyTzRxRyRz), TTHalfLayers(TxTzRyRz) head-20100518 TTnominal Nicola 8.61 2.92, -1.55 0.97, -4.69 1.03, 0.57 2.96, 3.14 A, C
1 xml
2 simplified config file
3 Alignment v5r1
  • Units: mm
  • Errors: approximately 0.05 for all Numbers
Magnet up
#events 25000
TrackType DoF DB DBLayer Who TT TTaX TTaU TTbV TTbX comments
Long TT(TxTyTzRxRyRz), TTLayers(TxTzRyRz) head-20100407 v3.1, pureTTnominal Nicola -2.06 1.95 1.22 -2.47 -0.79 corrected
Upstream TT(TxTyTz), TTLayers(TxTz) head-20100518 v3.1, pureTTnominal Nicola 2.80 0.90 0.39 -1.3 0.17

Questions / Tasks

  • What Database was used to build /afs/
alginment/testalginment.1279100906.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2010/07/14 11:48 by bernet