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The convPDGnumber class


The C++-class convPDGnumber takes as an input the numbers of the Monte Carlo particle numbering schemes and provides information about them. The class is based on a list of all particles (PDGLaTeXTable.txt), according to the Review of Particle Physics 2008. From version 1.1 on, antiparticles are implemented as well.


The class has several methods.


The class can be used in conjunction with BGlatex or alone. The easiest is to compile both with the Makefile provided in backcat.


The numbering scheme is based on the 2008 edition of the Review of Particle Physics. However, I was not always sure when the antiparticles were concerned. I added all the antiparticles that seemed reasonable to me - if they don't exist in reality, the number will never be called and this should not lead to an error.