Table of Contents

Copying Files from CASTOR to Zuerich directly

Note: Transfer Instructions for Grid

How to

In order to copy files directly from CASTOR to a machine in Zurich, login to the machine grid-ui. There do


which will prepare for file-transport. Then do (e.g.):

lcg-cp -v 'srm://' file://home/hep/myUsername/myFile

The -v option just means verbose.

Note: You need a Grid Certificate to do this!

Multi-File Loop

If you want to transfer several files, Create a file containing a list like this


Now you can use the following one-liner to get all the files

for f in `cat files.txt`; do lcg-cp -v srm://$f file://disk/data1/hep/nchiapol/targetDir/${f##*/}; done

${f##*/} is the basename (e.g. my-file-1.root). You could probably use `basename $f` instead.

Transfer with a Script

In /home/hep/decianm/scripts you will find the script The best is to make an alias in your .zshrc-file like: alias castortrans=“source /home/hep/decianm/scripts/” The script can be used the following way:

castortrans -i

This will set up your Grid environment.

 castortrans -f yourFileOnCastor -t yourDestinationFile

. If you have the same username at CERN as locally in Zurich, yourFileOnCastor will be the path starting in your home-directory on CASTOR. yourDestinationFile will start in your home-directory in Zurich. If your usernames are not identical in Zurich and at CERN, you have to set them manually in the script.

Transfer with an automated Script

If you have several files to download, you can use the script in /home/hep/decianm/scripts. The script can be used similarly to castortrans:

multiplecastortrans -i

This will set up your Grid environment.

 multiplecastortrans -f yourFileOnCastor -t yourDestinationFile -l lowerBound - u upperBound



you can add a counter in the path, for example.

multiplecastortrans -f /tuples/123/@COUNTER$/ouputdata/myRootFile.root -t myRootFile@COUNTER$.root -l 2 -u 4

will download the files from the directories

/tuples/123/2/ouputdata/myRootFile.root to myRootFile2.root
/tuples/123/3/ouputdata/myRootFile.root to myRootFile3.root
/tuples/123/4/ouputdata/myRootFile.root to myRootFile4.root