====== Common SVN Repository ====== ===== Why? ===== SVN is a very useful tool for developing code. So you should probably use it for your scripts as well. The Physics Institute has an SVN server where Roland can create a repository for you. But instead of everybody creating an own repository there is a common repository for the LHCb group. This reduces the work Roland has to do and simplifies sharing code between members of our group. ===== Getting started ===== Let us assume you want to create a repository for your thesis files. First go to [[http://svn.physik.uzh.ch/]] and check that you can access the **common** repositiory. Otherwise ask Roland to add you to the group. Once you can access the repository, open a shell an create your personal subdirectory with svn mkdir https://svn.physik.uzh.ch/repos/lhcb/common/ Most likely you will then want to create additional subdirectories to organise your code. svn mkdir https://svn.physik.uzh.ch/repos/lhcb/common//thesis After this you switch to the directory you want to add the thesis directory to. You can then checkout the relevant part of the repository svn checkout https://svn.physik.uzh.ch/repos/lhcb/common//thesis If you already have some files for your thesis, you can now copy them into the newly created thesis directory. Otherwise start working. Once you have some files in your directory, add them to svn svn add and then commit them to the remote repository svn commit -m " ===== More Info ===== For more info on SVN have a look at the following links * [[http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.6/index.html | SVN Book]] * [[https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/LHCb/SVNUsageGuidelines | Relevant LHCb TWiki Page]]