====== How to compile on Windows Terminal Server ====== There is some information in the [[https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/LHCb/WindowsDevEnv#Preparing_access_to_the_Windows | Cern TWiki]]. ===== Get Terminal Server Access ===== Register your CERN NICE account for TS access: * go to [[https://cern.ch/winservices/tsc/Tools/Register.aspx]] * enable Terminal Server Access * request access to Custom Terminal Service CERNTSLHCB01 (clicking on the "Send Request" link will give you a form at the bottom of the page. Fill this in and send the mail.) * Wait some time for access to be granted (you probably don't get a mail) * After 30min or so try to login ===== Logging in ===== on lxplus run rdesktop -d CERN -k ch-de -g 1024x768 -T "NICE TS" cerntslhcb01.cern.ch you probably want to adjust the keyboard layout :-) and maybe the screen size ===== Get source and compile ===== Brunel and STMonitors is used as example here. Start a shell using the //LbLogin local// icon on the desktop and prepare environment SetupProject --build-env Brunel get the source form CVS (//getpack// should work, but it always got stuck for me so I used CVS directly): cvs -d :pserver:anonymous@isscvs.cern.ch:/local/reps/lhcb checkout ST/STMonitors then go to cmt directory of STMonitors, configure and build SetupProject Brunel cmt config setup.bat cmt make ===== SSH access to CVS===== You might want to prepare SSH access to cvs (if you need to commit): [[http://cvs.web.cern.ch/cvs/howto.php#accessing-ssh]]