====== Stripping ======
===== Idea =====
Stripping is the idea of only fully reconstructing interesting decays, which can easily be accessed afterwards. It can cause a lot of pain, though...
===== Documentation =====
A lot of documentation can be found under: https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/LHCb/LHCbStripping
===== How to get the name of the lines =====
To know how to access your line in your options file, you have to know the name of it. To find this out, do the following:
* Find out in which stream it is (Dimuon, Dielectron, EW,...)
* Execute the following script:
SetupProject DaVinci vXrYpZ
from StrippingSettings.Stripping12 import StreamCalibration
locations = {}
for line in StreamCalibration.stream.lines :
locations[ line.name()] = str(StreamCalibration.stream.name()) + '/' + str(line.outputLocation())
for line, loc in locations.iteritems() :
print line, loc
* This will give you something like: ''StrippingDiMuonIncLine Dimuon/Phys/DiMuonIncLine'', where the first one is your line and the second one the location.
From Stripping 13 on, you have to do something like:
from StrippingSelections.Utils import buildStreams
streams = buildStreams('Stripping13')
for stream in streams:
if(stream.name() == "Calibration"):
for line in stream.lines :
print line.name(), "\t", line.outputLocation()
===== How to access the event =====
To access the event, you have to set the correct path, f.ex:
MyParticles = DataOnDemand(Location = '/Event/Dimuon/Phys/DiMuonIncLine')
or you can set the ''RootInTES'' ...
MyParticles = DataOnDemand(Location = 'Phys/DiMuonIncLine')
MyGaudiSequence.RootInTES = "/Event/Dimuon"
Note that you should not set ''RootInTES'' in the stripping, as it can cause problems (but can be useful for debugging sometimes).
===== How to test stripping lines on the GRID =====
First you have to make sure, the SDSTs as well as the RAW files are accessible and are staged in (as in the test-samples).
In ganga then you can do the following (in addition to the usual things):
j.inputdata = DaVinci().readInputData('/someDirectory/something_SDST.py')
j.inputdata.depth = 2
where it is crucial that you set ''j.inputdata.depth = 2'' to make sure the RAW files can be accessed.