====== Show cut value as a line in a histogram ====== {{rootCutLine.png?200}} To create a line in a histogram for example to indicate a cut do the following in your python root macro and in the canvas where you have the histogram: cutObj = TLine(XcutValue, hist.GetMinimum(), XcutValue, hist.GetMaximum()) cutObj.SetLineColor(kGreen+2) cutObj.SetLineWidth(2) cutObj.Draw("lsames") ====== Highlight an area in a histogram ====== {{rootCutArea.png?200}} cutObj2 = TBox(X1Value, hist.GetMinimum(), X2Value, hist.GetMaximum()) cutObj2.SetFillColor(kRed-4) cutObj2.SetFillStyle(3003) #hatching cutObj2.SetLineWidth(0) cutObj2.Draw("lsames")