====== ROOT ====== This page collects general ROOT hints. For LHCb specific info see [[root:LHCbROOT]]. === Finding Help === If you are looking for an example containing some specific class (**TObjArray** below). ''grep'' for it in the tutorial directory: cd $ROOTSYS/tutorials/ grep -r TObjArray * ===== Setup & Running ===== * [[root:splash | Splash Screen]] - Get rid of the splash screen * [[root:rootlogonscript | ROOT logon script]] - How to write a simple script that does useful things when you logon to ROOT. * [[root:batchmode | How to run ROOT in batch mode]] ===== General ===== * [[root:chain | How to use a chain ]] - How to use chains in ROOT. * [[root:findBin | Find the bin the value corresponds to]] * [[root:loadText | Read data from text file]] - Read the columns of a text file into a root tree. * [[root:savePlot | Save a plot to a file]] * [[root:Strings | String manipulation]] - Tips and Tricks for working with strings. * pyRoot: [[root:pythonRootConstructors | Constructors]] - How to use a ROOT constructor with pointers as arguments? * pyRoot: [[root:python | Passing Lists to TGraph]] * pyRoot: [[root:pyrootPassRef | Pass by reference]] * pyRoot: [[root:ownershipPyRoot | Ownership in PyROOT ]] - Or how not to loose your canvases. * pyRoot: [[root:componentsPyRootRooFit | Drawing components of pdfs in RooFit]] - How to draw components of pdf ins RooFit with PyRoot. * pyRoot: [[root:pyrootGetEvent | Accessing events in a tree]] ===== Plotting ===== * [[root:functionsetnumberpoints | Set the number of points to draw a function]] * THStack: [[root:thstack |using and troubleshooting THStack]] * [[root:ttreedraw | TTree::Draw]] - Tips, Tricks and Pitfalls ===== Configure Display ===== * Axis: [[root:setAxisRange | Set the display range of your axis]] * Axis: [[root:numberOfDivisions | Set the number of divsions of an axis]] * Axis: [[root:labelsTitle | Configure labels and title]] * Axis: [[root:logScale | Set log scale for an axis]] * Axis: [[root:redrawAxis | Redraw Axis to get ticks on top]] * Axis: [[root:binsOrder | What does "Bins must be in increasing order mean?"]] * Axis: [[root:PaletteAxis | How to format 'Colour Axis' in root]] * Marker: [[root:changeMarkerStyle | Change marker style]] * Legend: [[root:addLegend | Adding a legend]] * Pads: [[root:style | Change Style of Canvas/Pad]] - Get rid of grey background and ugly borders. * Pads: [[root:padMargins | Change the Margins of a pad]] * Pads: [[root:padLayouts | Pad Layouts]] - Examples of special Layouts * StatBox: [[root:Two stats boxes | Draw two stats boxes]] - How to overlay histograms and draw both stats boxes. * StatBox: [[root:noStats | No StatBoxes]] - Deactivate StatBoxes globally. * [[root:showCuts | Show cut values as lines or areas]] * [[root:colorscheme | Improve the color scheme]] - How to have a nice color scheme ===== Special Cases ===== * [[root:troubleshooting | Root-files ]] - Troubles with root files (e.g. empty files) * [[root:nanfinite | Treatment of non-real numbers / infinity]] - How to catch infinite and imaginary numbers. ===== RooFit ===== * [[root:roofittut01 | An easy start to RooFit]] - Learning the basics about RooFit * [[root:controlOutputRooFit | How verbose should RooFit be]] * [[root:customPdfsAndWorkspace | Custom pdfs and workspace ]] - Or how to avoid possible trouble...