====== How to manage your disk space on the Grid ======
===== Caveat =====
For me, these commands only work on lxplus.
===== How much space do you use? =====
SetupProject Dirac
dirac-dms-storage-usage-summary /lhcb/user//
===== Getting a detailed list =====
dirac-dms-user-lfns --help
will give you a detailed overview of all the options. Very useful are ''-m 3'', which will show all files older than 3 months, and ''--Wildcard="*.root"'', which will only show root files.
===== How big is / are my file(s) =====
dirac-dms-data-size --Unit=MB myLFN
where myLFN can also be a list of LFNs.
===== Link =====
Many informations can be found here: [[https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/LHCb/GridStorageQuota]]