====== Particle Table for DecayDescriptor ====== You find the full table in [[http://www.physik.uzh.ch/~nchiapol/lhcb/particles.txt]] ===== How to ===== For the DecayDescriptor in CombineParticles in DaVinci, you need to know the name of the particles which can be used. This list can be dumped the following way on lxplus: **Dump Text File** SetupLHCb dump_db_to_files.py -c sqlite_file:$SQLITEDBPATH/DDDB.db/DDDB -s /param/ParticleTable.txt which will dump the file in the folder 'DDDB/param'. You can change the folder the file is dumped to with the -d option. Alternatively you can get the table printed with: SetupDaVinci dump_particle_properties **Use CondDBBrowser** Alternatively, you can also use the CondDBBrowser. Type: CondDBBrowser and then go to 'Database -> Standard ->DDDB' and look for 'param/ParticleTable.txt' ===== How to find the syntax of the DecayDescriptor ===== The syntax of the DecayDescriptor is described in the DecayFinder (!) class reference of DaVinci. In addition there is a very [[https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/LHCb/FAQ/LoKiNewDecayFinders|helpful FAQ]] Often you can find the full DecayDescriptor in the corresponding [[https://svnweb.cern.ch/trac/lhcb/browser/Stripping/trunk/Phys/StrippingSelections/python/StrippingSelections|stripping line in SVN]]