====== How to implement a MC associator ======
===== Idea =====
Sometimes it may be necessary to associate a Particle to a MCParticle (truthmatching) in a self written C++-code.
===== Implementation =====
To associate a MCParticle to a Particle in DaVinci, implement the following (works for DaVinci v25r4).
#include "Kernel/IParticle2MCAssociator.h"
IParticle2MCAssociator* m_p2mcAssoc;
std::string p2mcAssocType("DaVinciSmartAssociator");
m_p2mcAssoc = tool(p2mcAssocType,this);
const LHCb::MCParticle* mcp;
mcp = m_p2mcAssoc->relatedMCP(*iParticle);
where *iParticle is a pointer to a Particle.