====== Database tags (CondDB and DDDb) ====== Data is produced or processed with different database tags. For example if the VELO was open, the database tag needs to specify that. ===== Find the correct tags for your data ===== Look at your datafiles from the bookkeeping: the file names contain the dataset number. For the following datafile the dataset number is 5630. DATAFILE='LFN:/lhcb/MC/MC09/DST/00005630/0000/00005630_00000001_1.dst To look up the tags log in to lxplus (you need a Grid Certificate to do this): SetupProject LHCbDirac dirac-bookkeeping-production-informations for example: dirac-bookkeeping-production-informations 5630 This produces the output: Production Info: Configuration Name: MC Configuration Version: MC09 Event type: 30000000 Step0:Gauss-v37r5 Option files: $APPCONFIGOPTS/Gauss/MC09-b450GeV-md100-nu1.py;$APPCONFIGOPTS/Conditions/MC09-20090602-vo-md100.py;$DECFILESROOT/options/30000000.opts;$LBPYTHIAROOT/options/Pythia.opts DDDb: MC09-20090602 ConDDb: sim-20090402-vo-md100 Step1:Boole-v19r7 Option files: $APPCONFIGOPTS/Boole/MC09-WithTruth.py;$APPCONFIGOPTS/Conditions/MC09-20090602-vo-md100.py DDDb: MC09-20090602 ConDDb: sim-20090402-vo-md100 Step2:Brunel-v35r7 Option files: $APPCONFIGOPTS/Brunel/MC09-WithTruth.py;$APPCONFIGOPTS/Conditions/MC09-20090602-vo-md100.py;$APPCONFIGOPTS/Brunel/veloOpen.py DDDb: MC09-20090602 ConDDb: sim-20090402-vo-md100 Step3:LHCb-v28r0 Option files: $STDOPTS/PoolCopy.opts DDDb: MC09-20090602 ConDDb: sim-20090402-vo-md100 Number of Steps 1 Total number of files: 2 LOG:1 DST:1 Number of events [('DST', 53453)] Path: /MC/MC09/Beam450GeV-VeloOpen-MagDown-Nu1/MC09-Brunelv35-withTruth/None /MC/MC09/Beam450GeV-VeloOpen-MagDown-Nu1/MC09-Brunelv35-withTruth/None/DST Under the different steps you find the DDDb tags and the ConDDb tags, i.e. 'DDDb: MC09-20090602', 'ConDDb: sim-20090402-vo-md100' for the example file. === What if the tag returned is None? === It can happen, that the info reported by ''dirac-bookkeeping-production-informations'' lists ''None'' as database tags: Production Info: Configuration Name: MC Configuration Version: MC11a Event type: 11144103 ----------------------- StepName: Merge12 for MC11 ApplicationName : LHCb ApplicationVersion : v33r1 OptionFiles : $APPCONFIGOPTS/Merging/CopyDST.py DDB : None CONDDB : None ExtraPackages : AppConfig.v3r118 ----------------------- In this case the production information got lost while merging. You can have a look at the database tags used for the merge job and hope they where correct SetupGauss cat $GAUSSROOT/options/Gauss-MC11a.py ===== Implement the tags in your options file ===== When using real data, you need a DDDB tag (DDDB) and a CondDB (LHCBCOND) tag. Insert the following lines to your options file: DaVinci().CondDBtag = "head-20091211" DaVinci().DDDBtag = "head-20091120" When running over Monte Carlo data, you need a DDDB tag (DDDB) and a CondDB (SIMCOND) tag. DaVinci().CondDBtag = "sim-20090402-vo-md100" DaVinci().DDDBtag = "MC09-20090602" *Note: There is nothing like "DaVinci().SimCond", the corresponding information has to be written in the "CondDBtag". *It may sometimes be necessary to access the OracleDB. This can be achieved the following way: from Configurables import CondDB CondDB(UseOracle = True) ===== Using dictionaries ===== You can find a file including dictionaries of all yet known (and at least often used) tags under: "/afs/cern.ch/user/e/elsasser/public/dbtags/tagdict.py" which can be imported to be used in a python script. The base file is located under "/afs/cern.ch/user/e/elsasser/public/dbtags/prodFileList.txt" ===== Check if the correct tags were used in your job ===== Look at the stdout file of your job: After the start of Loki you will find something like the following statements: DDDB INFO Connected to database "sqlite_file:/afs/cern.ch/project/gd/apps/lhcb/lib/lhcb/DBASE/Det/SQLDDDB/v5r17/db/DDDB.db/DDDB" DDDB INFO Using TAG "MC09-20090602" SIMCOND INFO Connected to database "sqlite_file:/afs/cern.ch/project/gd/apps/lhcb/lib/lhcb/DBASE/Det/SQLDDDB/v5r17/db/SIMCOND.db/SIMCOND" SIMCOND INFO Using TAG "MC09-20090402-vc-md100" ===== Where to find information about global tags ===== Follow this link: http://lhcb-release-area.web.cern.ch/LHCb-release-area/DOC/dbase/conddb/release_notes.xml ===== More ===== [[https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/LHCb/RecommendedTags#Where_do_I_find_information_abou | "Recommended Tags" Page in TWiki]]