====== DaVinci Analysis framework ====== [[https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/LHCb/FAQ/DaVinciFAQ|DaVinci FAQ]] *[[start:davinciexample | Simple Example]] - An complete example of a very simple selection algorithm. Good for getting started. *[[davinci::miniDST | Write a miniDST]] - How to write out a subset of events in DaVinci and store them in a new DST-file. *[[davinci::samples | Samples]] - A little overview of the samples one can use for an analysis. *[[davinci::positiveID | Force positive label ]] - How to revert the ID of stored particles in DecayTreeTuple always to a positive number *[[davinci::allTracks | Take all tracks as input ]] - How to include all track types in an analysis. *[[davinci::DBtags | Find correct DB tags]] - How to find the correct tags for your data and how to introduce them in the options file. *[[davinci::particletable | Find particles for DecayDescriptor]] - How to dump the particle list which can be used in the DecayDescriptor. *[[davinci::datatypes| Find available data-types]] - Get the code-line defining the available data-types *[[brunel:resolveParticleID | Resolve the ParticleID]] - How to turn a ParticleID into a human readable string. *[[davinci:xmlCounters | XMLCounters]] - How to get XML counters for all your algorithms. *[[davinci:mcassoc | MC Association]] - How to implement a MC associator. *[[davinci::tthitslongtrack | Cut for TT hits on tracks ]] - How to cut on the number of TT hits on long tracks with LoKi. *[[davinci::removetthits | Removing TT hits from long tracks ]] - How to remove TT hits from long tracks and then refit. *Note: Some information concerning DaVinci may also be found in the [[gaudi:gaudi|Gaudi-section]]!