====== How to plot the number of open channels as function of the run number ======
* Login as lhcb@ckm
* cd /disk/home/hep/lhcb/noise/
* use bash shell
* source setupRoot.sh
* Go to the directory where the files (or the symbolic links) are located, e.g.: lhcb@ckm:~/noise/TEST/symLinks>
* Use the script /disk/home/hep/lhcb/noise/scripts/nBrokenBonds.py
E.g: ./../../../scripts/nBrokenBonds.py
If no arguments are passed to the script, the usage will be explained!
* Plots will be saved in new folder lhcb@ckm:~/noise/VFS400_NOTP/rootFiles/links_ALL/nBadChannels/
=== How to create a selection of datafiles only ===
* Create symbolic links to the datafiles in a new folder and run the script nBrokenBonds.py there.
* E.g. of folders containing links: ~/noise/symLinks.
=== How to create many symbolic links ===
* Create a text file containing all the rootfilenames (e.g: ls > files_2010.txt)
* Delete filenames you do not want in the selection
* run the script createSymLinks.sh in the directory that will contain the links
=== How to add data files to existing selection ===
To add links (to new root files) to an existing selection do:
* Copy the new root files into the folder containing the existing ones.
* Create a text file containing ALL the rootfilenames (e.g: ls > files_2010.txt) you want to select.\\
* run the script createSymLinks.sh in the directory containing the links. New ones will be added.