STANDA passive vibration damping optical table

The entire setup is hosted on a STANDA passive vibration damping optical table. It consist of a hut, support and a filter unit. A complet visualisation is below:

The table support used in this setup uses is the: 1TS05-12-06-AR. DIfferent rubber support ellements are available the one used to hold the optical table are the support subber leveling element 1TS-AR the ones for on the ground are the Solid leveling element 1TS-AS. On top of the table support resides the 1HT08-20-20 (800 x 2000 x200mm) Optical Table Tops. Manual

Aditionally a fan and two light switches are installed, to turn the fan and lights on/off separately. As light source the dai light lamp 1CB-WL is used

Filter Unit

On top of the unit is the HEPA filter unit. Filter specification:

The filter unit is produced by ENVIRCO corporation and consist of the MAC 10® Original Fan Filter Unit