Table of Contents

There are different programs used by this setup, some are auxiliary programs that are needed for a specific device, others are needed only for a specific installation process and some are used to download/upload firmware. There is a distinction between program/software and auxiliary program/software, the auxiliary ones are only used for the installation process. For example if make is needed to install, for example software A it gets listed as a auxiliary software.


Program Origin location Type
net-tools standard repository /usr/share/doc/packages/net-tools package
libfftw3-dev standard repository /usr/share/doc/packages/libfftw3-dev package
wget standard repository /usr/share/doc/packages/wget package
python standard repository /usr/share/doc/packages/python package
LabVIEW 2022Q3 LabVIEW /usr/local/natinst/LabVIEW-2022-64 Software
tar standard repository /usr/bin/tar package
Sequencers Argentina /home/damic/Files files
TICAS V. Gkougkousis /home/damic/Applications files
LEACH Argentina (Sequencers), Manuals /home/damic/Files files
LTA University of Washington /home/damic/Applications files
ACM Paris /home/damic/Applications files
GPIB-USB GPIB software /home/ccdtest/Desktop/ni/linux-gpib-git Software
DS9 DS9 download page /home/damic/Applications Software
WADERS CERN /home/damic/Applications Software

For the screen to work properly we use a Nvidia graphic card (Quadro 600). To install is follow this steps:

  1. sudo ubuntu-drivers devices

This shows a list of recommended drivers, chose the one that corresponds to the graphic cards

  1. sudo apt install nvidia-driver-390
  2. sudo reboot
  3. nvidia-smi

The last command should display some information's regarding the graphic card.

LabVIEW 2022Q3

To install LabVIEW you need a ni account. Download the iso file, make sure you have downloaded the correct version in regards to operating system and version compatibility. After you have downloaded the iso file follow these steps:

  1. Install libncurses5 and libopenal1 from the repositories of your Linux distribution.
  2. mount the iso file
  3. Run the install script INSTALL as root (e.g.,sudo ./INSTALL)

If you go with a different linux/LabVIEW version the guide above may not work, but there exists a Guide for different verisons of linux/LabVIEW


To install WADERS copy the files from the server in the Directory /home/damic/Applications/WADERS to your PC. Afterwards go to the directory that include the file and follow these steps:

  1. pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  2. pip3 install .
  3. cd ~/Applications/WADERS/bin
  4. chmod +x *
  5. nano ~/.bashrc
  6. add the line: export PATH=“$PATH:/your/WADERS/directory/bin”
  7. source ~/.bashrc
  8. sudo nano home/damic/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pysimdamicm/io/

change and np.float to int and float


To use a gpib-usb connection you have to install the driver. For this follow these steps, missing directories have to be made accordingly:

  1. Download the newest version of the driver here.
  2. Install the kernel
    1. make
    2. sudo make install
  3. Install the user
    1. ./bootstrap
    2. ./configure –sysconfdir=/etc
    3. make
    4. sudo make install
  4. replace the original gpib.conf file in /etc/gpib.conf with this modified file
  5. move the config file to /etc/gpib/
  6. make it executable sudo chmod 644 /etc/gpib/gpib.conf
  7. copy the ni_usb_gpib file from your_linux_gpib_dir/usb/ni_usb_gpib/ to /lib/udev
  8. download the newest firmware and unzip the necessary ones
  9. move the firmware files to /lib/firmware/, then rename the folder ni_gpib_usb_b to ni_usb_gpib
  10. modifie the /lib/udev/ni_usb_gpib file accordingly
  11. sudo apt-get install fxload
  12. create a file in /etc/udev/rules.d/ named 99-linux_gpib_ni_usb.rules with this content
  13. initialize the config file: sudo gpib_config
  14. initialize the udev rules:
    1. sudo udevadm control –reload-rules
    2. sudo udevadm trigger
    3. sudo udevadm settle
  15. test communication: sudo ibtest

If you get an error that looks something like this: …. libgip: IBOPENDEV ioctl failed ibdev error …. it means that your system uses the gpib.conf file located in /usr/local/etc/gpib.conf, which is wrong to solve this either modify this file according to the above one or use this command:

  1. sudo ln -s /etc/gpib.conf /usr/local/etc/gpib.conf
  2. sudo gpib_config

This should resolve the error. If you update your kernel version, the kernel module gets nopt automatically moved into the new kernel, either change back or recompile the kernel module. To use the GPIB with a LabVIEW script you need also to install the ni-488.2 driver. After the installation make sure that all ni kernel modules are loaded.


Program Origin location
Owl3.6 ARC usr/local
CCDDrone CCDDrone /home/damic/Files/Leach
ARC-66 PCIe v3.6 ARC /home/damic/Files/Leach
Auxilliar Programs
build-essential standard repository /usr/share/doc/packages/build-essential/
libcfitsio standard repository /usr/share/doc/packages/libcfitsio/
libcfitsio-dev standard repository /usr/share/doc/packages/libcfitsio-dev/
cmake standard repository /usr/share/doc/packages/cmake
make standard repository /usr/share/man/man1/make.1.gz
kernel-devel standard repository /usr/src/linux-5.14.21-150500.55.73/
gcc-11 standard repository /usr/bin/gcc-11
g++-11 standard repository /usr/share/doc/packages/g++-11/
libstdc++6 standard repository /usr/share/doc/packages/libstdc++6/
libcanberra-gtk-module standard repository /usr/share/doc/packages/libcanberra-gtk-module
libcanberra-gtk3-module standard repository /usr/share/doc/packages/libcanberra-gtk3-module
libcurl4-openssl-dev standard repository /usr/share/doc/packages/libcurl4-openssl-dev

When trying to install the ARC66 it will give the following Warning: modules_install: missing '' file. Skipping depmod. Which can be ignored. When trying to install Owl it will say: Invalid source file! This comes from an error in the Install file itself, scroll down until you find the line, which specifies the source file, there change the file name to OwlFiles3.6.2.tar. You have to be super user to start the installation process. For both cases make sure that all the files have read write and execute permission:

If you update the kernel you have to create the kernel module again.


After you downloaded the files and extracted them in your desired directory follow the README file, but before you enter the make command change line 51-61 in the CMakeLists.txt file to the following:

add_executable( CCDDExpose CCDDExpose.cpp ) target_link_libraries( CCDDExpose LeachController -lCArcDeinterlace -lCArcDevice -lcurl ${CFITSIO_LIBRARIES})

add_executable( CCDDExposeC CCDDExposeC.cpp ) target_link_libraries( CCDDExposeC LeachController -lCArcDeinterlace -lCArcDevice -lcurl ${CFITSIO_LIBRARIES})

add_executable( CCDDStartupAndErase CCDDStartupAndErase.cpp) target_link_libraries( CCDDStartupAndErase LeachController -lCArcDeinterlace -lCArcDevice -lcurl ${CFITSIO_LIBRARIES})

add_executable( CCDDPerformEraseProcedure CCDDPerformEraseProcedure.cpp) target_link_libraries( CCDDPerformEraseProcedure LeachController -lCArcDeinterlace -lCArcDevice -lcurl ${CFITSIO_LIBRARIES})

add_executable( CCDDApplyNewSettings CCDDApplyNewSettings.cpp) target_link_libraries( CCDDApplyNewSettings LeachController -lCArcDeinterlace -lCArcDevice -lcurl ${CFITSIO_LIBRARIES} )

Then follow the ReadME fileagain.


Program Origin location
ltaDaemon Daemon /home/damic/Applications
Auxiliary programs
make standard repository /usr/share/man/man1/make.1.gz
git standard repository /usr/share/doc/packages/git
cFITSIO standard repository /doc/packages/cfitsio/
gcc standard repository /usr/bin/gcc
pkg-config standard repository /usr/share/doc/packages/pkg-config
libtbb2 standard repository /usr/share/doc/packages/libtbb2
libtbb-dev standard repository /usr/share/doc/packages/libtbb-dev
root Binary distribution /home/ccdtest

To install root follow these commands:

  1. tar -xzf root_v6.32.04.Linux-ubuntu20.04-x86_64-gcc9.4.tar.gz -C ~/
  2. nano ~/.bashrc
  3. add this to the end of the file: source ~/root/bin/
  4. source ~/.bashrc
  5. root

the last command should start the root interactive shell, if not something went wrong.


Program Origin location
ACM driver ccd-cdaq /home/damic/Applications
Auxilliar Programs
mosquitto standard repository /usr/share/doc/packages/mosquitto
tmux standard repository /usr/share/doc/packages/tmux
quartus Intel FPGA /home/ccdtest
python standard repository /usr/share/doc/packages/python/

Before you start the tmux session make sure, that the cdaq_env is activated (source cdaq_env/bin/activate) otherwise it will complaine.