====== Substrate ====== This page shows you information about the substrate of the CCD's. The table below shows the specific specification of our CCD's: ^ Specification ^ Value ^ | Name | 6" N HiRes (100) > 1000 | | Product type | FZ silicon - HiRes Wafer | | Wafer finish frontside/backside | Polished/ Etched Acid | | Wafer orientation | (1-0-0) ±0.5 deg | | Diammeter (mm) | 150,00 ±0,20 | | Primary flat | 57,5 ± 2,5 mm; Orientation: (1-10) +/- 1 Deg | | Secondary flat | none | | Doping | N-type Phosphorous | | Resistivity (Ohm-cm) | >10'000,0 | | Thickness (μm) | 675 ± 15,00 | | Total Thickness variation (TTV) (μm) | <5 | | Bow (μm) | <30 | | Warp (μm) | <30 | ^ Product Analysis ^ Values ^ | Resistivity minimum (Ohm-cm) | N.A. | | Thickness [average ± std. dev] (μm) | 676 ± 0,16 | | TTV [average ± std. dev] (μm) | 1,1 ± 0,13 | | Bow [average ± std. dev] (μm) | 1,9 ± 0,64 | | Warp [average ± std. dev] (μm) | 9,2 ± 0,51 | ^ Measeruments (taken at 1MHz) ^ Results/ Conclusion ^ | Carrier concentration at 295K | N ∼ 7,24 * 10↑(11) cm↑(-3) | | Area | 1,92 * 10↑(-2) cm↑(2) | | N type sample | | | Very low depletion voltage | small reverse bias required | ---- {{:ccdstructure:resistivity.jpg?400|}} The presence of various other elements at various depths (as shown above), changes also the resistivity of our CCD's, the measured resisitivity are shown in the graph to the left side. ---- {{ :ccdstructure:carrier.jpg?400|}} The measured resistivity graphs leads to the following graph of carriers. ----