====== CCD Box ====== Four 6x1.5 k CCD are placed inside a box, which is wirebonded to a flex, which connects to the pass through of the Test chamber. **The pass through does invert the connection, this is corrected by the wirebonding of the CCD.** In the below chapters there are the pin layouts of the samtec and DB50 connector, including the schematics and other files. ===== Pin Layout Samtec ===== | Samtec, CCD Box - Pass Trough || | CCD side || | Samtec || | Function | Pin | | P_Plus | 1 | | P_Plus | 2 | | P_Plus | 3 | | D50_VOUT_L1 | 4 | | Vdd_2 | 5 | | P_Plus | 6 | | Vdd_1 | 7 | | D50_VOUT_L2 | 8 | | Drain_2 | 9 | | P_Plus | 10 | | Drain_1 | 11 | | D50_VOUT_U1 | 12 | | VR_2 | 13 | | P_Plus | 14 | | VR_1 | 15 | | D50_VOUT_U2 | 16 | | P_Plus | 17 | | P_Plus | 18 | | P_Plus | 19 | | P_Plus | 20 | | P_Plus | 21 | | P_Plus | 22 | | TG_2 | 23 | | TG_1 | 24 | | V3_2 | 25 | | V3_1 | 26 | | V2_2 | 27 | | V2_1 | 28 | | V1_2 | 29 | | V1_1 | 30 | | P_Plus | 31 | | P_Plus | 32 | | P_Plus | 33 | | P_Plus | 34 | | H3L | 35 | | H3U | 36 | | H2L | 37 | | H2U | 38 | | H1L | 39 | | H1U | 40 | | DG_2 | 41 | | DG_1 | 42 | | RG_2 | 43 | | RG_1 | 44 | | P_Plus | 45 | | P_Plus | 46 | | SW_2 | 47 | | SW_1 | 48 | | OG_2 | 49 | | OG_1 | 50 | | P_Plus | 51 | | P_Plus | 52 | | N_Plus | 53 | | P_Plus | 54 | | N_Plus | 55 | | P_Plus | 56 | | P_Plus | 57 | | P_Plus | 58 | | P_Plus | 59 | | VSUB | 60 | | GND_1 | 61 | | GND_2 | 62 | | GND_3 | 63 | | GND_4 | 64 | ===== Pin Layout DB50 connector===== | **DB 50, CCD Box** ||| | | CCD Box side || | ::: | DB 50 Male || | ::: | Function | Pin | | Bottom Row | H2U | 1 | | ::: | H1U | 2 | | ::: | OG_2 | 3 | | ::: | SW_2 | 4 | | ::: | TG_2 | 5 | | ::: | N/C | 6 | | ::: | Drain_1 | 7 | | ::: | Drain_2 | 8 | | ::: | Vdd_1 | 9 | | ::: | VR_1 | 10 | | ::: | VR_2 | 11 | | ::: | Vdd_2 | 12 | | ::: | N/C | 13 | | ::: | SW_1 | 14 | | ::: | OG_1 | 15 | | ::: | H1L | 16 | | ::: | H2L | 17 | | Middle Row | H3U | 18 | | ::: | V1_2 | 19 | | ::: | V2_2 | 20 | | ::: | V3_2 | 21 | | ::: | N/C | 22 | | ::: | P_Plus | 23 | | ::: | P_Plus | 24 | | ::: | P_Plus | 25 | | ::: | P_Plus | 26 | | ::: | P_Plus | 27 | | ::: | N/C | 28 | | ::: | TG_1 | 29 | | ::: | V1_1 | 30 | | ::: | V2_1 | 31 | | ::: | V3_1 | 32 | | ::: | H3L | 33 | | Top Row | VSUB | 34 | | ::: | P_Plus | 35 | | ::: | RG_2 | 36 | | ::: | DG_2 | 37 | | ::: | N/C | 38 | | ::: | P_Plus | 39 | | ::: | D50_VOUT_U2 | 40 | | ::: | D50_VOUT_U1 | 41 | | ::: | D50_VOUT_L1 | 42 | | ::: | D50_VOUT_L2 | 43 | | ::: | P_Plus | 44 | | ::: | N/C | 45 | | ::: | N/C | 46 | | ::: | RG_1 | 47 | | ::: | DG_1 | 48 | | ::: | N/C | 49 | | ::: | N/C | 50 | | Shield | Shield | P_Plus | ===== Schematics and other files===== ^ Type ^ Schematics ^ SPC ^ ASM ^ Gerber ^ | DB50 connector | {{ :ccdstructure:ccdbox:6kx1.5k_ccd_flex_sch_2973_b.pdf |DB50 schematics}} | N/A | N/A | N/A | | Samtec connector | {{ :ccdstructure:ccdbox:3039_sch.pdf |Samtec schematics}} | {{ :ccdstructure:ccdbox:3040_spc.pdf |Samtec SPC}} | {{ :ccdstructure:ccdbox:3041_asm.pdf |Samtec ASM}} | {{ :ccdstructure:ccdbox:3040_gerber_plots.pdf |Samtec Gerber plots}} | | Flex Extension UZH | {{ :ccdstructure:ccdbox:flexextentiondamic-25_sch_v1.0.pdf |UZH Flex Extension schematics}} {{ :ccdstructure:ccdbox:flexextentiondamic-25_drf_v1.0.pdf |UZH Flex Pcb files}} | | | | | Flex Extension Washington | {{ :ccdstructure:ccdbox:3009_sch.pdf |Washington flex extension schematics}} | {{ :ccdstructure:ccdbox:3010_spc.pdf |Washington flex extension SPC}} | {{ :ccdstructure:ccdbox:3011_asm.pdf |Washington Flex extension ASM}} | {{ :ccdstructure:ccdbox:3010_gerber_plots.pdf |Washington Flex extension Gerber}} |