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Handling TTree trees

Here is one file containing multiple examples.

Creating a TTree with branches and writing it to a TFile

Below is an example of creating and saving a tree with two branches (variables) each containing a randomly distributed variable for each event.

If you fill a TTree in C++, you can pass a double as a reference, called the address of the branch, from the official tree1.C example:

TTree tree("t1","a simple Tree with simple variables");
Float_t px;

In python however, you will need to use an array instead, for example the array class. More information on the TTree::Branch(name,address, leaflist) method.
from ROOT import TFile, TTree, gRandom
from array import array
# make new root file with new tree
file = TFile("tree.root", 'recreate')
tree = TTree("tree_name", "tree title")
# create 1 dimensional float arrays as fill variables, in this way the float array serves
# as a pointer which can be passed to the branch
px  = array('d',[0])
phi = array('d',[0])
# create the branches and assign the fill-variables to them as doubles (D)
tree.Branch("px",  px,  'normal/D')
tree.Branch("phi", phi, 'uniform/D')
# create some random numbers, assign them into the fill variables and call Fill()
for i in xrange(10000):
    px[0]  = gRandom.Gaus(20,2)
    phi[0] = gRandom.Uniform(2*3.1416)
# write the tree into the output file and close the file

Alternatively, you could use the numpy class:

import numpy
px  = numpy.zeros(1, dtype=float)
phi = numpy.zeros(1, dtype=float)

Note that file.Write() will write all objects (trees, histograms, graphs, …) that are still opened. Instead, you can write an object, in this case a TTree, with the Write() method:


Optional arguments are a string for a new name and some writing options, e.g. to overwrite with TFile.kOverwrite.

Filling a branch with multiple values per event

Here is an example of filling a tree with a variable number of particles, each having a pt variable:
from ROOT import TFile, TTree, gRandom
from array import array
file = TFile("tree.root", 'recreate')
tree = TTree("tree_name", "tree title")
Nmax = 10
nParticles = array( 'i', [ 0 ] )
pt = array( 'd', Nmax*[ 0. ] )
tree.Branch( 'nParticles', nParticles, 'nParticles/I' )
tree.Branch( 'pt', pt, 'pt[nParticles]/D' )
for i in xrange(1000): # loop over events
    nParticles[0] = int(gRandom.Uniform()*10)
    for j in xrange(nParticles[0]): # loop over particles in this event
       pt[j] = gRandom.Gaus(20,2)

Looping over a TTree

The classic way of looping through a tree is:

N = tree.GetEntries()
for i in xrange(N):
    print tree.px

where you can access the values in branch px for each event. A more elegant and pythonic way is the following:

for event in tree:
    print tree.px

If you also need the event index:

for i, event in enumerate(tree):
    print i, tree.px

Filling a histogram with TTree

See this page.

Adding and saving a branch to a TTree in a TFile

Here is simple example of adding a completely new branch to an existing tree.
from ROOT import TFile, TTree, gRandom
# reopen tree file
file = TFile("tree.root",'update')
tree = file.Get("tree_name")
# make new variable and add it as a branch to the tree
py = array('d',[0])
branch = tree.Branch("py", py, 'py/D')
# fill the branch
N = tree.GetEntries()
for i in xrange(N):
    py[0] = gRandom.Gaus(23,4)
# overwrite the tree in the output file and close the file

More interestingly, you can access existing branches in the tree and use those values to create new variables. Here is an example of making a new branch containing transverse momentum for each event, assuming the tree has branches px and py:

import sqrt from math
pt = array('d',[0])
branch = tree.Branch("pt", pt, 'pt/D')
N = tree.GetEntries()
for i in xrange(N):
    pt[0] = sqrt(tree.px**2 +**2)
root/pyroot_ttree.1498138477.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/06/22 15:34 by iwn