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Luminosity at CMS

Summary plots of data taking at the LHC can be found here.

Calculate the integrated luminosity

For a given dataset, you can calculate the luminosity yourself with the brilcalc tool described at the Lumi POG and in the manual.

You need a JSON file that contains all the runs you want to include:

brilcalc lumi -b "STABLE BEAMS" --normtag /afs/ -u /pb -i myJSON.txt

Typically, you can find the JSON files on afs, for example for 2017 data:


and for a certain era dataset (B-F), take a look in:


For the recommended JSON files, see below.

Run numbers

You can find the correct run numbers and the corresponding JSON files here:

physics/lumi.1535358550.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/08/27 10:29 by iwn