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Start XDAQ TTC control:

source TriDAS/pixel/POSRelease/
cd run/TTC/
source run_ttcci.csh

Open firefox (“TTCci XDAQ” bookmark)
In the TTCciControl tab:

click: configure
click: enable

Note: PC name, port, TTCci slot and TTC configuration file are sepcified in run/TTC/XDAQConfig.xml


In a new terminal:

source TriDAS/pixel/POSRelease/
cd TriDAS/pixel/pxlpilotfed

The program gives a list of options which can be selected by keyboard entries.

Note: TTCci/FED base addressed defined in ttcaddcsr0/FEDBASE

case 'a'

Inject one trigger and readout FED.

How to interpret output:

Output of Piggy: (TBM cores A+B still encoded)

ffff ffff              1111111111111111    1111111111111111
ffff ffff              1111111111111111    1111111111111111
ffff ffff              1111111111111111    1111111111111111
ffff ffff              1111111111111111    1111111111111111
ffff ffff              1111111111111111    1111111111111111
ffdf ffbf              1111111111011111    1111111110111111
f006 e00e              1111000000000110    1110000000001110
e1ff 03ff              1110000111111111    0000001111111111
b880 7100              1011100010000000    0111000100000000
7fff ffff              0111111111111111    1111111111111111
ffff ffff              1111111111111111    1111111111111111
ffff ffff              1111111111111111    1111111111111111
ffff ffff              1111111111111111    1111111111111111

The above is the output of one fiber. The fiber is selcted by a VME command:

//this choose the channel read by piggy: ex. CHa_CHb_mux+0x2304 reads channel 4
VMEout(0x3,LAD_N+0x1a8000,4,CHa_CHb_mux+0x2300); // ch selection for transparent mode: 5-fiber#12, 4-fiber#11, 3-fiber#10, 2-fiber#9, 1-fiber# 8, 0-fiber#7
VMEout(0x3,LAD_S+0x1a8000,4,CHa_CHb_mux+0x2304); // ch selection for transparent mode: 5-fiber#12, 4-fiber#11, 3-fiber#10, 2-fiber#9, 1-fiber# 8, 0-fiber#7

The output can be decoded using Satoshi's script (see:

----------- TBM B -----------------
---- Input words -------
0111 1111 1100 0000 
0001 1011 1000 0111 
1111 1110 1110 0010 
0000 0001 1111 1111 
1111 1111 1111 1111 
1111 1111 1111 1111 
1111 1111 1111 1111 
1111 1111 1111 1111 
1111 11
011111111100 : TBM_Header
00000001 : Event Number 
10111000 : DataID 
011111111110 : TBM Trailer
1110001000   : TBM Trailer - info
  * 1 : NoTokenPass
  * 1 : Reset TBM
  * 1 : Reset Roc
  * 0 : Sync Error
  * 0 : Sync Trigger
  * 0 : Clear Trig Cntr
  * 1 : Cal Trigger
  * 0 : Stack Full
  * 0 : Auto Reset Sent
  * 0 : Pkam Reset Sent
000001   : TBM Trailer - 6bit stack counter
- - - end decoding - - - -  
Data structure of input seems fine. Decode finished finiding TBM trailer.
- - - Dump leftover - - - 
1111 1111 1111 1111 
1111 1111 1111 1111 
1111 1111 1111 1111 
1111 1111 1111 1111 
1111 1111 1111 11
----------- TBM A -----------------
---- Input words -------
0111 1111 1100 0000 
0001 1100 0000 0111 
1111 1110 1110 0010 
0000 0001 1111 1111 
1111 1111 1111 1111 
1111 1111 1111 1111 
1111 1111 1111 1111 
1111 1111 1111 1111 
1111 111
011111111100 : TBM_Header
00000001 : Event Number 
11000000 : DataID 
011111111110 : TBM Trailer
1110001000   : TBM Trailer - info
  * 1 : NoTokenPass
  * 1 : Reset TBM
  * 1 : Reset Roc
  * 0 : Sync Error
  * 0 : Sync Trigger
  * 0 : Clear Trig Cntr
  * 1 : Cal Trigger
  * 0 : Stack Full
  * 0 : Auto Reset Sent
  * 0 : Pkam Reset Sent
000001   : TBM Trailer - 6bit stack counter
- - - end decoding - - - -  
Data structure of input seems fine. Decode finished finiding TBM trailer.
 - - - Dump leftover - - - 
1111 1111 1111 1111 
1111 1111 1111 1111 
1111 1111 1111 1111 
1111 1111 1111 1111 
1111 1111 1111 111

Output of FIFO 1: Data for all channels which are connected is printed (loop over all channels).
Decodes TBM Header and Trailers.
Channel mapping for FIFO1 is described on p.1 here:
Channels 1-4 are Nup, channels 5-9 are Ndown
Channel selection described on p.3.

CH#:10  TBM_H_status:8b01
CH#:10  TBM_T_status: 1e2

Output of FIFO 2: How is channel selection done?

Channel mapping for FIFO2 is described on p.1 here:\\
Fifo-2 North up 0 0 Fifo-2 NorthCenter up 0 80
Fifo-2 North up 1 0 Fifo-2 NorthCenter up 1 91
Fifo-2 North up 2 0 Fifo-2 NorthCenter up 2 ab
Fifo-2 North up 3 0 Fifo-2 NorthCenter up 3 b8
Fifo-2 North up 4 0 Fifo-2 NorthCenter up 4 ce
Fifo-2 North up 5 0 Fifo-2 NorthCenter up 5 d2
Fifo-2 North up 6 0 Fifo-2 NorthCenter up 6 e0
Fifo-2 North up 7 0 Fifo-2 NorthCenter up 7 f1
Fifo-2 North up 8 0 Fifo-2 NorthCenter up 8 0
Fifo-2 North up 9 0 Fifo-2 NorthCenter up 9 0

Marker for TBM Header: 89ab
Marker for TBM Trailer: cdef
Marker for ROC Header : 7

phase1/phase1/pxlpilotfed.1449662477.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/12/09 13:01 by leac