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Common ntuple


The ntuple code is supposed to run in CMSSW_5_3_11, instructions are for PSI:

Set up CMSSW (cmsrel command only needed for initial setup):

source $VO_CMS_SW_DIR/
cmsrel CMSSW_5_3_11
cd CMSSW_5_3_11/src
kinit -f $USER@CERN.CH

Get the required packages and compile (taken from Annapaola's setup script):

addpkg DataFormats/PatCandidates V06-05-06-12
addpkg PhysicsTools/PatAlgos     V08-09-62
addpkg PhysicsTools/PatUtils
addpkg RecoBTag/ImpactParameter V01-04-09-01
addpkg RecoBTag/SecondaryVertex V01-10-06
addpkg RecoBTag/SoftLepton      V05-09-11
addpkg RecoBTag/Configuration   V00-07-05
addpkg RecoBTau/JetTagComputer  V02-03-02
addpkg RecoParticleFlow/PFProducer V15-02-06
addpkg RecoEgamma/EgammaTools       V09-00-01
cvs co -r V00-00-09    EgammaAnalysis/ElectronTools
cvs co -r SE_PhotonIsoProducer_MovedOut -d EGamma/EGammaAnalysisTools UserCode/EGamma/EGammaAnalysisTools
cd EGamma/EGammaAnalysisTools/data
cat download.url | xargs wget                      
cd ../../../
addpkg RecoMET/METAnalyzers V00-00-08
addpkg DataFormats/METReco V03-03-11-01
addpkg JetMETCorrections/Type1MET V04-06-09-02
cvs co -r 1.7 JetMETCorrections/Type1MET/python/
addpkg DPGAnalysis/SiStripTools V00-11-17
# from SingleTop CMSSW_5_3_8 recipe
#addpkg DPGAnalysis/Skims V01-00-11-01 
#cvs co -r V00-02-14      DataFormats/StdDictionaries
#cvs co -r V00-00-08      DataFormats/TrackerCommon
#cvs co -r V01-09-05      RecoLocalTracker/SubCollectionProducers          
cvs co -r V00-02-05 -d CMGTools/External UserCode/CMG/CMGTools/External
#addpkg TopQuarkAnalysis/SingleTop SingleTop_53X 
scram setup lhapdffull
scram b -j 9 > & step1.log &

git repository:

Additional packages/tools

ntuple/ntuple.1379704885.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/09/20 21:21 by clange