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newcomers:gettingstarted [2023/09/04 15:11] – [UZH style] iwnnewcomers:gettingstarted [2024/08/21 15:44] (current) – [More information] iwn
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 After all that, you should register with **[[|VOMS]]**, get and install **GRID certificates** on your local computer and computing accounts. These certificates give you authorized acces to a number of grid computing services. Follow the steps lined out [[|here]] and [[|here]]. In summary: After all that, you should register with **[[|VOMS]]**, get and install **GRID certificates** on your local computer and computing accounts. These certificates give you authorized acces to a number of grid computing services. Follow the steps lined out [[|here]] and [[|here]]. In summary:
-  - install a GRID user certificate on you local computer, see [[|the CERN Certification Authority]] ([[|use of Mozilla Firefox]] highly recommended, Safari highly discouraged), +  - <del>register with VO CMS [[|here]] or [[|here]] (might take a few days to come through),</del> Registering with VO CMS should not be necessary anymore since June 2024! 
-  - register with VO CMS [[|here]] or [[|here]] (might take a few days to come through), +  - Go to the the CERN Certification Authority ([[]]), and install a "GRID user" certificate on your local computer. [[|Use of Mozilla Firefox]] highly recommended, Safari highly discouraged. 
-  - export the certificate (presumably from FireFox) to ''cert.p12'', from which you create ''.pem'' files to install them on the computing account:+  - Export the certificate (presumably from FireFox) to ''cert.p12''.
     - for lxplus, see [[|this page]],     - for lxplus, see [[|this page]],
     - for PSI T3, see [[|this page]] and [[newcomers:gettingstarted#setting_up_the_accounts1|the next section]].     - for PSI T3, see [[|this page]] and [[newcomers:gettingstarted#setting_up_the_accounts1|the next section]].
 +  - If needed, copy the certification files to the computing system you need (using ''scp'' for example). From these ''.p12'' files, create ''.pem'' files to install them.
 To create the ''.pem'' files from the ''.p12'' certicicate, and set the correct permissions: To create the ''.pem'' files from the ''.p12'' certicicate, and set the correct permissions:
 <code> <code>
 +# if needed: copy the cert.p12 file to lxplus/t3ui03/... using scp
 mkdir $HOME/.globus mkdir $HOME/.globus
 openssl pkcs12 -in cert.p12 -clcerts -nokeys -out $HOME/.globus/usercert.pem openssl pkcs12 -in cert.p12 -clcerts -nokeys -out $HOME/.globus/usercert.pem
 openssl pkcs12 -in cert.p12 -nocerts -out $HOME/.globus/userkey.pem openssl pkcs12 -in cert.p12 -nocerts -out $HOME/.globus/userkey.pem
-chmod go-rw $HOME/.globus/userkey.pem+chmod go-rw $HOME/.globus/userkey.pem # set read permissions
 </code> </code>
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 Each time you travel, you can get reimbursed with one of [[|these forms]] ("Dienstreise-Abrechnung"). Each time you travel, you can get reimbursed with one of [[|these forms]] ("Dienstreise-Abrechnung").
 +Traveling by public transport in Switzerland is cheaper with [[|the half-fare pass]] (//Halbtax//). The half-fare pass can be reimbursed by the UZH, but only after your rail travel expenses have exceed double the cost of the half-fare pass. (This corresponds to about CHF 330–370, or at least four round trips between CERN and Zurich).
 Some rules for meals: Some rules for meals:
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       * There are  many **schools** to choose from: [[|list of CMS schools]], [[|CERN schools]], [[|CHIPP Winter school]] ([[|Indico]]), [[|European HEP Schools]], [[|Hadron Collider Summer School]], ...       * There are  many **schools** to choose from: [[|list of CMS schools]], [[|CERN schools]], [[|CHIPP Winter school]] ([[|Indico]]), [[|European HEP Schools]], [[|Hadron Collider Summer School]], ...
       * [[|Cinco]] keeps tracks of available **talks at conferences**. Subscribe to [[|the associated Hypernews e-mail list]] to stay on top.       * [[|Cinco]] keeps tracks of available **talks at conferences**. Subscribe to [[|the associated Hypernews e-mail list]] to stay on top.
-      * You can find available **courses and seminars** in these catalogues: [[|UZH Course catalogue]], [[|Physics lecture materials]], [[|ETH course catalogue]] (ETH-only courses requires you to register as a "[[|special student]]").+      * You can find available **courses and seminars** in these catalogues: [[|UZH Course catalogue]], [[|Physics lecture materials]]. In the catalogue, click through "Faculty of Science" > "Doctorate Faculty of Science" > "Physics" and look for the version of a course that has a course code ending in "DP", so you do not need to take an exam. 
 +      * Note you can also register as a "[[|special student]]" at the ETH for more courses: [[|ETH course catalogue]].
     - Each semester you can be assigned to teach exercise classes, assist lectures, or oversee labs. You should cover at least 100 hours, and no more than 420 hours.     - Each semester you can be assigned to teach exercise classes, assist lectures, or oversee labs. You should cover at least 100 hours, and no more than 420 hours.
     - You are obliged to present at least once in **the annual UZH-[[|ETH]]-[[|PSI]] PhD seminar** (1 credit for attendance, 1 credit for a presentation).     - You are obliged to present at least once in **the annual UZH-[[|ETH]]-[[|PSI]] PhD seminar** (1 credit for attendance, 1 credit for a presentation).
     - You are obliged to attend **[[|the weekly research seminars]]** (no credits).     - You are obliged to attend **[[|the weekly research seminars]]** (no credits).
     - Every year you need to organize your **annual PhD Committee Meeting**, and upload the [[|minutes]].     - Every year you need to organize your **annual PhD Committee Meeting**, and upload the [[|minutes]].
-  * You need to keep track of your progress on the [[|PhD Administration System]]. Instructions can be found {{newcomers:phd_admin.pdf|here}}. +  * You need to keep track of your progress on the [[|PhD Administration Tool]]. Instructions can be found {{newcomers:phd_admin.pdf|here}}. 
-  * Each time you travel, you can get reimbursed see [[#reimbursements|above]]+  * Each time you travel, you can get reimbursed, including for a half-fare card, see [[#reimbursements|above]].
-  * Traveling by public transport in Zurich and Switzerland is cheaper with [[|the half-fare pass]] (//Halbtax//). The half-fare pass can be reimbursed by the UZH, but only after your rail travel expenses have exceed double the cost of the half-fare pass. (This corresponds to about CHF 330–370, or at least four round trips between CERN and Zurich).+
   * For access to the academic sport facilities, see [[|ASVZ]].   * For access to the academic sport facilities, see [[|ASVZ]].
   * UZH's //[[|Sprachencentrum]]// offers language courses, e.g. [[|German for PhD students]] or [[|for post-docs]]. Make sure you enroll as soon as the registrations open, fills up immediately. Some courses are worth ECTS credits, but do not count towards the 12 needed for the PhD. PhD students and post-docs need to pay out of their own pocket, but in some cases they may be reimbursed by the UZH if they pass the German or French course (please confirm with the Monika from the physics secretariat).   * UZH's //[[|Sprachencentrum]]// offers language courses, e.g. [[|German for PhD students]] or [[|for post-docs]]. Make sure you enroll as soon as the registrations open, fills up immediately. Some courses are worth ECTS credits, but do not count towards the 12 needed for the PhD. PhD students and post-docs need to pay out of their own pocket, but in some cases they may be reimbursed by the UZH if they pass the German or French course (please confirm with the Monika from the physics secretariat).
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     * For a LaTeX template of the thesis see below.     * For a LaTeX template of the thesis see below.
     * You can submit your thesis to [[|CDS]] and [[|iCMS]] ("New Thesis").     * You can submit your thesis to [[|CDS]] and [[|iCMS]] ("New Thesis").
 + === Teaching duties === 
 +Each PhD student has teaching studies as outlined in the general regulations (linked above):
 +  * Min. 100 hours.
 +  * Max. 420 hours.
 +In the Student Admin tool (link above) you have to enter the number of hours you spend on teaching during you PhD. This is one of the milestones towards you graduation. Before you can book the date of your defense, your supervisor (i.e. Ben, Florencia, ...) has to approve your numbers.
 +<wrap tip>__Protip__</wrap>: Try to keep your hours in the Student Admin Tool updated every 1–2 semesters, and same for the credit points.
 +To give a rough rule of thumb for calculating your hours to enter into the Student Admin tool:
 +  * **Problem solving classes** (typically ~80 hours):
 +    * contact hours (x3 if you have to correct/mark students solutions+book keeping, x2 if students may hand in but do not have to)
 +    * + 2-3 hours for your own preparation for every problem set
 +    * + 5-10 hours for exam supervision and grading (you know best this part)
 +  * **Student labs** (typically ~60 hours):
 +    *  contact hours (x3 if you have to correct/mark students solutions)
 +    * + 2-3 hours for training each experiment you teach
 +    * + 5 hours exam supervision if you are involved 
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   * [[|GitHub]] will come handy to share code with others. ''git'' comes pre-installed in most command lines. This group has its own [[|GitHub repository]]. Check [[computing:git|this page]] out for more information.   * [[|GitHub]] will come handy to share code with others. ''git'' comes pre-installed in most command lines. This group has its own [[|GitHub repository]]. Check [[computing:git|this page]] out for more information.
   * [[|This CERN Resources page]] explains how you can increase the quota on you disk space on on lxplus and ''/afs''.   * [[|This CERN Resources page]] explains how you can increase the quota on you disk space on on lxplus and ''/afs''.
-  * [[cern:website|This page]] explains how you make a personal website on CERN and share documents on it via your ''/afs'' or ''/eos'' directory.+  * [[|This page]] explains how you make a personal website on CERN and share documents on it via your ''/afs'' or ''/eos'' directory.
   * [[|CERN's Computer Security Course]], [[|CERN's anti-virus software]]   * [[|CERN's Computer Security Course]], [[|CERN's anti-virus software]]
newcomers/gettingstarted.1693833060.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/09/04 15:11 by iwn