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Pseudorapidity. For more, please visit

% Author: Izaak Neutelings (July 2017)
\usepackage{amsmath} % for \text
\tikzset{>=latex} % for LaTeX arrow head
% split figures into pages
  % limits
  % axis labels
  \node[below=5pt,left=2pt] at (0,\R) {$y$};
  \node[left=5pt,below=2pt] at (\R,0) {$z$};
  % lines
  \foreach \t in {90,60,45,30,10,0}{
      (0,0) -- ({\R*cos(\t)},{\R*sin(\t)})
      node[anchor=180+\t,black] {$\theta=\t$};
  % limits
  % axis labels
  \node[scale=0.9,below=5pt,left=2pt] at (0,\R) {$y$};
  \node[scale=0.9,left=5pt,below=2pt] at (\R,0) {$z$};
  % lines
  \foreach \t/\e in {90/0,60/0.55,45/0.88,30/1.32,10/2.44,0/\infty}{
    \draw[->,black!60!red,thick] %samples=\N,variable=\x,domain=0:1]
      (0,0) -- ({\R*cos(\t)},{\R*sin(\t)})
      %plot({\x*\R*cos(\t)},{\x*\R*sin(\t)}) % alternative way with plotting a linear function
      node[anchor=180+\t,black] {$\eta=\e$};
    \node[fill=white,scale=0.8] at ({0.8*cos(\t)},{0.8*sin(\t)}) {$\theta=\t^\circ$};
latex/exampe_eta.1633157717.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/10/02 08:55 by iwn