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Personal CERN website

You can make a personal website to share documents in your /afs or /eos directory via the World Wide Web. Please follow the instructions on this page.


You need to configure access to CMS members as described here and here with an Apache .htacces file in you www folder:

SSLRequireSSL # The modules only work using HTTPS
AuthType shibboleth
ShibRequireSession On
ShibRequireAll On
ShibExportAssertion Off
Require valid-user
Require ADFS_GROUP cms-physics-access
Options +Indexes

Other AD FS groups can be found in CERN's E-groups.

If you want to display documents and directories in a custom style (in particular plots), you can add an index.html or index.php file, for example this one.

Pro tip Add the following line in your .htacces if you want to have one default index file for all subdirectories:

DirectoryIndex index.html index.php /<user>/index.php

If someone opens your link to some directory, the browser will for an index file in this order: index.html else index.php in that directory, then for index.php in your root /<user>/ directory (which corresponds to your www directory on /eos). Beware that a php that loops on files in the current directory may not work as expected.

Pro tip You can set the way the certain files types are opened by adding the following lines to your .htacces file:

<Files *.log>
  ForceType text/plain
  Header set Content-Type "text/plain"

In this way .log files accessible on your website will be opened as a plain ASCII text file in the browser, instead of being downloaded. More content types (“MIME types”) can be found here. To configure multiple extensions the same:

<FilesMatch "\*.(?i:log|py|sh)$">
  ForceType text/plain
  Header set Content-Type "text/plain"

Pro tip To make a subdirectory public for everyone with the correct link, you can create a new .htaccess in that directory with the following content: <file bash .htaccess> Satisfy Any Allow From All </file >

Copy to eos

Use secure copy scp to copy stuff from your local computer or from PSI T3 to your /eos:

scp test.txt <user><letter>/<user>/www/

It is also possible to mount your personal /eos directory to your local computer with an CERN Box desktop app (video tutorial).

cern/website.1525517272.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/05/05 12:47 by iwn