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Analysis notes

Using batch submission for SFrame jobs

  • Copy BatchSubmission to your analysis directory

cp -r ../../clange/ExoVV/Analysis/BatchSubmission/

  • Create directories AnalysisOutput and AnalysisTemp parallel to BatchSubmissions

mkdir AnalysisOutput AnalysisTemp

  • Make sure you have an updated version of Python (Python 2.6 or later). You can use the Python version of CMSSW doing

cd …CMSSW_5_3_13/src/

  • Create your list of infiles in an .xml file and store it under BatchSubmission/xmls/. Use only name of infile and lumi:

<In FileName=“” Lumi=“1.0”/>
<In FileName=“” Lumi=“1.0”/>
<In FileName=“” Lumi=“1.0”/>

  • Edit BatchSubmission/

“libAnalysisPackage”, libraries you are using, order matters (separate by comma)

name of your SFrame package+.par

“../AnalysisPackage”, name of your SFrame package

AddUserItems = [
[“IsOldNTuple” ,“false”],
your global user items
[“InputTreeName” ,“tree”],
[“genParticlePrefix” ,“genParticle”],
[“NumberOfRecoJets” ,“4”],
[“JetPtCut” ,“20”],
[“JetEtaCut” ,“2.5”],
[“JetNconstCut” ,“1”],


btag/btag.1398167910.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/04/22 13:58 by taarre