Your account is


where username is your lxplus username.

To check that this account exists

lcg-ls -l -D srmv2 -b srm://\?SFN=/pnfs/**username**

Use these options in crab.cfg

return_data                = 0
copy_data                  = 1
storage_element        = T2_CH_CSCS\\
storage_path              =/srm/managerv2?SFN=/pnfs/**username**/
user_remote_dir         = /yourdirectory

Output is stored in


To create directory on Storage Element

srmmkdir srm://\?SFN=/pnfs/**username**/yourdirectoryname

To copy from Storage Element to local workspace

srmcp srm://\?SFN=/pnfs/**username**/yourdirectoryname path/to/location

For more information, go to How to work with the SE
For the proxy

voms-proxy-init -voms cms
voms-proxy-info -all

CRAB commands and tutorial + Data analysis with CRAB

  "crab -create", create all jobs (no submission!)
  "crab -submit", submit all jobs above created
      The above two commands can be done in a single step ("crab -create -submit")
  "crab -status", check the status of all jobs above submitted
  "crab -getoutput", retrieve the output of all jobs above submitted and terminated
  "crab -report", prints a summary of the task progress and creates a lumiSummary.json file to be used e.g. in (see the LumiCalc TWiki) to compute the luminosity those output files correspond to
  "crab -publish", publish the results stored in the SE

Other stuff

crab -submit -c  <dir name>
crab -status -c  <dir name>

Example of Crab config file