Check of the new changes to the dijet scouting soft

After running on the data with more statistics I have following result: the histogram that I obtain directly from the ntuples and from the tree after selection “HTgoodJets>350 && isr_pt > 50 && jet2_pt>45 && abs(dijet_deta)<1.2 && dijet_pt>140 && jet1_pt>90” dijet_mass_data_aftercut2.pdf. However, should use another selection: “isr_pt > 50 && jet2_pt>45 && abs(dijet_deta)<1.2 && jet1_pt>90”. Check for the proper dijet mass fit of the signal.It looks like 3 gaussians and landau is the best for now (but I'm afraid of the number of parameters - 12).

Ran on data. Had the problems, but solved them. Continue to write the plot-fit code.

Next steps: fit the data with the background fit function described in EXO paper (after we get files).