The python
module below below can be used to make nice CMS-style plots in ROOT
. It is maintained in the TauFW
See for more guidelines and scripts (python and C++) like this one.
The code below is a combination of
, with improvements to account for Run 2, as well as to better automize the spacing of the CMS logo and extra text.
# CMS_lumi # Initiated by: Gautier Hamel de Monchenault (Saclay) # Translated in Python by: Joshua Hardenbrook (Princeton) # Edited: Izaak Neutelings (July 2018) # Sources: # # from ROOT import TStyle, TPad, TLatex, TASImage, kBlack, kWhite, TGaxis import re cmsText = "CMS" cmsTextFont = 61 extraText = "Preliminary" lumiText = "" extraTextFont = 52 lumiTextSize = 0.90 lumiTextOffset = 0.20 cmsTextSize = 1.00 cmsTextOffset = 0.15 extraOverCmsTextSize = 0.78 relPosX = 0.045 relPosY = 0.035 relExtraDY = 1.2 drawLogo = False outOfFrame = False lumi_dict = { '7': 5.1, '2016': 35.9, 'UL2016_preVFP': 19.5, # actually 19.5, update after reprocessing with new JSON '8': 19.7, '2017': 41.5, 'UL2016_postVFP': 16.8, # actually 16.8, update after reprocessing with new JSON '2012': 19.7, '2018': 59.7, 'UL2016': 36.3, # actually 19.5+16.8=36.3 'Run2': 137.1, 'UL2017': 41.5, # actually 41.5 'Phase2': 3000, 'UL2018': 59.8, # actually 59.8 } cme_dict = { '7': 7, '2016': 13, '8': 8, '2017': 13, '2012': 8, '2018': 13, 'Run2': 13, 'Phase2': 14, } era_dict = { '7': "", 'Run1': "Run 1", '8': "", 'Run2': "Run 2", '13': "Run 2", 'Run3': "Run 3", 'Phase1': "Phase I", 'Phase2': "Phase II", 'UL2016_preVFP': "UL2016", #(pre VFP) 'UL2016_postVFP': "UL2016", #(pre VFP) 'UL2016': "UL2016", 'UL2017': "UL2017", 'UL2018': "UL2018", } def getyear(era): match ="(?<!\d)(20\d{2})(?!\d)",era) if match: return return era def setCMSEra(*eras,**kwargs): global cmsText, extraText, lumiText cmsText = "CMS" extra = kwargs.get('extra',None) if extra!=None: extraText = extra strings = [ ] for era in eras: era = str(era) year = getyear(era) string = era_dict.get(era, era ) lumi = lumi_dict.get(era, False ) cme = cme_dict.get(era, False ) if not lumi: # try again with year lumi = lumi_dict.get(year, lumi ) if not cme: # try again with year cme = cme_dict.get(year, cme ) lumi = kwargs.get('lumi', lumi ) cme = kwargs.get('cme', cme ) if lumi: if string: string += ", " string += "%s fb^{-1}"%(lumi) if cme: string += " (%s TeV)"%(cme) strings.append(string) lumiText = ' + '.join(strings) return lumiText def setCMSLumiStyle(pad, iPosX, **kwargs): global outOfFrame, lumiTextSize, lumiText if iPosX/10==0: outOfFrame = True lumiTextSize_ = lumiTextSize relPosX_ = kwargs.get('relPosX', relPosX) lumiText_ = kwargs.get('lumiText', lumiText) outOfFrame = kwargs.get('outOfFrame', outOfFrame) verbosity = kwargs.get('verb', 0) if outOfFrame: lumiTextSize_ *= 0.90 if 'era' in kwargs: # one era era = kwargs.get('era') setCMSEra(era,**kwargs) elif 'eras' in kwargs: # list of multiple eras eras = kwargs.get('eras') setCMSEra(*eras,**kwargs) #if lumiText=="": # if iPeriod==1: # lumiText += lumi_7TeV # lumiText += " (7 TeV)" # elif iPeriod==2: # lumiText += lumi_8TeV # lumiText += " (8 TeV)" # elif iPeriod==3: # lumiText = lumi_8TeV # lumiText += " (8 TeV)" # lumiText += " + " # lumiText += lumi_7TeV # lumiText += " (7 TeV)" # elif iPeriod==4: # lumiText += lumi_13TeV # lumiText += " (13 TeV)" # elif iPeriod==7: # if outOfFrame: lumiTextSize_ *= 0.85 # lumiText += lumi_13TeV # lumiText += " (13 TeV)" # lumiText += " + " # lumiText += lumi_8TeV # lumiText += " (8 TeV)" # lumiText += " + " # lumiText += lumi_7TeV # lumiText += " (7 TeV)" # elif iPeriod==12: # lumiText += "8 TeV" # else: # if outOfFrame: lumiTextSize_ *= 0.90 # if iPeriod==13: # lumiText += lumi_13TeV # lumiText += " (13 TeV)" # elif iPeriod==2016: # lumiText += lumi_2016 # lumiText += " (13 TeV)" # elif iPeriod==2017: # lumiText += lumi_2017 # lumiText += " (13 TeV)" # elif iPeriod==2018: # lumiText += lumi_2018 # lumiText += " (13 TeV)" # elif iPeriod==14: # lumiText += lumi_14TeV # lumiText += " (14 TeV, 200 PU)" ##print lumiText alignY_ = 3 alignX_ = 2 if iPosX==0: alignY_ = 1 if iPosX/10==0: alignX_ = 1 elif iPosX/10==1: alignX_ = 1 elif iPosX/10==2: alignX_ = 2 elif iPosX/10==3: alignX_ = 3 align = 10*alignX_ + alignY_ extraTextSize = extraOverCmsTextSize*cmsTextSize H = pad.GetWh()*pad.GetHNDC() W = pad.GetWw()*pad.GetWNDC() l = pad.GetLeftMargin() t = pad.GetTopMargin() r = pad.GetRightMargin() b = pad.GetBottomMargin() e = 0.025 scale = float(H)/W if W>H else 1 # float(W)/H latex = TLatex() latex.SetNDC() latex.SetTextAngle(0) latex.SetTextColor(kBlack) latex.SetTextFont(42) latex.SetTextAlign(31) latex.SetTextSize(lumiTextSize_*t) if lumiText_: latex.DrawLatex(1-r,1-t+lumiTextOffset*t,lumiText_) if iPosX==0: relPosX_ = relPosX_*(42*t*scale)*(cmsTextSize/0.84) posX = l + relPosX_ #*(1-l-r) posY = 1 - t + lumiTextOffset*t else: posX = 0 posY = 1 - t - relPosY*(1-t-b) if iPosX%10<=1: posX = l + relPosX_*(1-l-r) # left aligned elif iPosX%10==2: posX = l + 0.5*(1-l-r) # centered elif iPosX%10==3: posX = 1 - r - relPosX_*(1-l-r) # right aligned if outOfFrame: TGaxis.SetExponentOffset(-0.12*float(H)/W,0.015,'y') latex.SetTextFont(cmsTextFont) latex.SetTextAlign(11) latex.SetTextSize(cmsTextSize*t) latex.DrawLatex(l,1-t+lumiTextOffset*t,cmsText) if extraText: latex.SetTextFont(extraTextFont) latex.SetTextSize(extraTextSize*t) latex.SetTextAlign(align) latex.DrawLatex(posX,posY,extraText) elif drawLogo: posX = l + 0.045*(1-l-r)*W/H posY = 1 - t - 0.045*(1-t-b) xl_0 = posX yl_0 = posY - 0.15 xl_1 = posX + 0.15*H/W yl_1 = posY CMS_logo = TASImage("CMS-BW-label.png") pad_logo = TPad("logo","logo",xl_0,yl_0,xl_1,yl_1 ) pad_logo.Draw() CMS_logo.Draw('X') pad_logo.Modified() else: latex.SetTextFont(cmsTextFont) latex.SetTextSize(cmsTextSize*t) latex.SetTextAlign(align) latex.DrawLatex(posX,posY,cmsText) if extraText: latex.SetTextFont(extraTextFont) latex.SetTextAlign(align) latex.SetTextSize(extraTextSize*t) latex.DrawLatex(posX,posY-relExtraDY*cmsTextSize*t,extraText) if verbosity>=2: print ">>> setCMSLumiStyle: outOfFrame=%r, iPosX=%s, alignX_=%s, align=%s"%(outOfFrame,iPosX,alignX_,align) print ">>> setCMSLumiStyle: extraTextSize=%s, extraOverCmsTextSize=%s, cmsTextSize=%s"%(extraTextSize,extraOverCmsTextSize,cmsTextSize) print ">>> setCMSLumiStyle: posX=%s, posY=%s, relPosX_=%s"%(posX,posY,relPosX_) pad.Update() def tdrGrid(gridOn): tdrStyle.SetPadGridX(gridOn) tdrStyle.SetPadGridY(gridOn) def fixOverlay(): gPad.RedrawAxis() def setTDRStyle(): tdrStyle = TStyle("tdrStyle","Style for P-TDR") # For the canvas: tdrStyle.SetCanvasBorderMode(0) tdrStyle.SetCanvasColor(kWhite) tdrStyle.SetCanvasDefH(600) # height of canvas tdrStyle.SetCanvasDefW(600) # width of canvas tdrStyle.SetCanvasDefX(0) # position on screen tdrStyle.SetCanvasDefY(0) tdrStyle.SetPadBorderMode(0) #tdrStyle.SetPadBorderSize(Width_t size = 1) tdrStyle.SetPadColor(kWhite) tdrStyle.SetPadGridX(False) tdrStyle.SetPadGridY(False) tdrStyle.SetGridColor(0) tdrStyle.SetGridStyle(3) tdrStyle.SetGridWidth(1) # For the frame: tdrStyle.SetFrameBorderMode(0) tdrStyle.SetFrameBorderSize(1) tdrStyle.SetFrameFillColor(0) tdrStyle.SetFrameFillStyle(0) tdrStyle.SetFrameLineColor(1) tdrStyle.SetFrameLineStyle(1) tdrStyle.SetFrameLineWidth(1) # For the histo: #tdrStyle.SetHistFillColor(1) #tdrStyle.SetHistFillStyle(0) tdrStyle.SetHistLineColor(1) tdrStyle.SetHistLineStyle(1) tdrStyle.SetHistLineWidth(1) #tdrStyle.SetLegoInnerR(Float_t rad = 0.5) #tdrStyle.SetNumberContours(Int_t number = 20) tdrStyle.SetEndErrorSize(2) #tdrStyle.SetErrorMarker(20) tdrStyle.SetErrorX(0) tdrStyle.SetMarkerStyle(20) # For the fit/function: tdrStyle.SetOptFit(1) tdrStyle.SetFitFormat("5.4g") tdrStyle.SetFuncColor(2) tdrStyle.SetFuncStyle(1) tdrStyle.SetFuncWidth(1) # For the date: tdrStyle.SetOptDate(0) #tdrStyle.SetDateX(Float_t x = 0.01) #tdrStyle.SetDateY(Float_t y = 0.01) # For the statistics box: tdrStyle.SetOptFile(0) tdrStyle.SetOptStat(0) # to display the mean and RMS: SetOptStat("mr") tdrStyle.SetStatColor(kWhite) tdrStyle.SetStatFont(42) tdrStyle.SetStatFontSize(0.025) tdrStyle.SetStatTextColor(1) tdrStyle.SetStatFormat("6.4g") tdrStyle.SetStatBorderSize(1) tdrStyle.SetStatH(0.1) tdrStyle.SetStatW(0.15) #tdrStyle.SetStatStyle(Style_t style = 1001) #tdrStyle.SetStatX(Float_t x = 0) #tdrStyle.SetStatY(Float_t y = 0) # For pad margins: tdrStyle.SetPadTopMargin(0.05) tdrStyle.SetPadBottomMargin(0.13) tdrStyle.SetPadLeftMargin(0.16) tdrStyle.SetPadRightMargin(0.02) # For the Global title: tdrStyle.SetOptTitle(0) tdrStyle.SetTitleFont(42) tdrStyle.SetTitleColor(1) tdrStyle.SetTitleTextColor(1) tdrStyle.SetTitleFillColor(10) tdrStyle.SetTitleFontSize(0.05) #tdrStyle.SetTitleH(0) # set the height of the title box #tdrStyle.SetTitleW(0) # set the width of the title box #tdrStyle.SetTitleX(0) # set the position of the title box #tdrStyle.SetTitleY(0.985) # set the position of the title box #tdrStyle.SetTitleStyle(Style_t style = 1001) #tdrStyle.SetTitleBorderSize(2) # For the axis titles: tdrStyle.SetTitleColor(1, 'XYZ') tdrStyle.SetTitleFont(42, 'XYZ') tdrStyle.SetTitleSize(0.06, 'XYZ') # tdrStyle.SetTitleXSize(Float_t size = 0.02) # another way to set the size? # tdrStyle.SetTitleYSize(Float_t size = 0.02) tdrStyle.SetTitleXOffset(0.9) tdrStyle.SetTitleYOffset(1.25) # tdrStyle.SetTitleOffset(1.1, 'Y') # another way to set the Offset # For the axis labels: tdrStyle.SetLabelColor(1, 'XYZ') tdrStyle.SetLabelFont(42, 'XYZ') tdrStyle.SetLabelOffset(0.007, 'XYZ') tdrStyle.SetLabelSize(0.05, 'XYZ') # For the axis: tdrStyle.SetAxisColor(1, 'XYZ') tdrStyle.SetStripDecimals(True) tdrStyle.SetTickLength(0.03, 'XYZ') tdrStyle.SetNdivisions(510, 'XYZ') tdrStyle.SetPadTickX(1) # to get tick marks on the opposite side of the frame tdrStyle.SetPadTickY(1) # Change for log plots: tdrStyle.SetOptLogx(0) tdrStyle.SetOptLogy(0) tdrStyle.SetOptLogz(0) # Postscript options: tdrStyle.SetPaperSize(20.,20.) #tdrStyle.SetLineScalePS(Float_t scale = 3) #tdrStyle.SetLineStyleString(Int_t i, const char* text) #tdrStyle.SetHeaderPS(const char* header) #tdrStyle.SetTitlePS(const char* pstitle) #tdrStyle.SetBarOffset(Float_t baroff = 0.5) #tdrStyle.SetBarWidth(Float_t barwidth = 0.5) #tdrStyle.SetPaintTextFormat(const char* format = "g") #tdrStyle.SetPalette(Int_t ncolors = 0, Int_t* colors = 0) #tdrStyle.SetTimeOffset(Double_t toffset) #tdrStyle.SetHistMinimumZero(True) tdrStyle.SetHatchesLineWidth(5) tdrStyle.SetHatchesSpacing(0.05)