Obs! The official version of tkLayout does not include Delphize, a separate tool needed to convert tkLayout output into format readable by Delphes. If you intend to use tkLayout at the UZH CMS Phase 2 Workshop, go to tkLayout with Delphize.

Getting the software

Official tkLayout (without Delphize)

If you are working at PSI Tier3 make sure you are logged into a machine running SLC6 (t3ui12 or t3ui15). Download the code from SVN and compile:

 svn checkout http://tkgeometry.googlecode.com/svn/trunk tkgeometry
 cd tkgeometry
 source setup_slc6.sh
 make install 
 # Put the binary directory in your PATH

To run tkLayout, do

 cd geometries/BarrelEndcap_Nick2013/Traditional/
 tklayout -r TechnicalProposal2014.cfg