Few events occur for track transverse momenta over 60 GeV with most resolution discrepancy for tracks with pT between 1.0 and 10.0 GeV.

Momentum chosen for transverse impact momentum (d0) resolutions at points:
TKG_MOMENTA=“1.00, 2.00, 5.00, 20.00” in tklayout.config

Track pT binning can then be performed in intervals (GeV/c):
1.0-1.5 : using res from 1.00
1.5-2.5 : using res from 2.00
2.5-10.0: using res from 5.00
above 10: using res from 20.00

jets pT > 20GeV
track pT > 1GeV , Barrel |eta|<1.6

Track multiplicity for bjet
median track pT for bjets
IP of third-highest IP track
IP distribution for leading 3 IP tracks