Questions about your analysis or thesis (obviously).
What is the theoretical or experimental motivation of your model? What motivates your particular chosen set or range of parameter values?
What are motivated variations of your signal model? E.g. different mass or coupling parameters.
What is the broader context of your model in other experiments? This can be past, current or future experiments like LEP, Tevatron, or LH-LHC. How would your signal show up there? What would the backgrounds be? What exclusions do they give?
How would your signal and analysis change with more luminosity (e.g. Run3, LH-LHC data) or higher center of mass energy? (Future colliders.)
Questions on the process, like the color flow of Feynman diagram, or parton (like initial b quark) coming from the protons (see PDFs below), …
Is the uncertainty in your result statistically or systematically driven? (Yuta's favorite.)
Specifics about certain systematics (nuisance parameters): Which (background) systematics are important? How can they be constrained? …