====== Welcome to the UZH CMS wiki ====== This wiki is used to advertise opportunities to join one of the CMS groups at UZH and for internal documentation. Newcomers in the group can look on [[newcomers:gettingstarted|this page to get started]]. ====== Physics ====== * [[users:users|User pages]] * [[physics:crosssections|Cross sections at CMS]] * [[physics:lumi|Luminosities at CMS]] * [[physics:pdfs|PDFs at CMS]] * [[mc:mc|Monte Carlo related pages]] * [[vhbb:vhbb|VHbb analysis pages]] * [[hbbmssm:hbbmssm|Hbb MSSM analysis pages]] * [[pat:pat|Physics Analysis Tools (PAT) pages]] * [[tH:tH|tH analysis pages]] * [[MEM:MEM|Matrix Element Method]] * [[mva:mva|Multivariate analysis with TMVA]] * [[limits:limits|Limits with the Higgs combined tool]] * [[ntuple:ntuple|Common ntuple]] * [[analysis:boostedvh| Boosted VH analysis page]] * [[bTag:bTag| b Tagging pages]] * [[internal:shorttermprojects| Short-term projects (restricted)]] * [[phase2:phase2|Phase 2 Upgrade Studies]] * [[ExoVVRun2:ExoVVRun2|EXO VV Run 2 analysis pages]] ====== Hardware ====== * [[pixel:pixel|Pixel detector related pages]] * [[phase1:phase1|Pixel Phase 1 Upgrade]] * [[epixphase2:epixphase2|Pixel Phase 2 Upgrade]] * [[mTCA:mTCA|mTCA]] * [[psi:psi|Detector Commissioning at PSI]] * [[p5:p5|Detector Commissioning at CERN P5]] ====== Meetings & Conferences ====== * Indico: [[meetings:meetings|UZH CMS group meetings and other]] * [[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1O7VB_Wh3MRenppc5ACFmKmPXJL27O9VFQW41LaKDLW8/edit#gid=0|Presentations at conferences by UZH members (Canelli & Kilminster's groups)]] * [[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1O7VB_Wh3MRenppc5ACFmKmPXJL27O9VFQW41LaKDLW8/edit#gid=2140526491|Publications by UZH members (Canelli & Kilminster's groups)]] ====== Other ====== * [[newcomers:gettingstarted|Getting started in UZH's CMS group]] * [[cern:cern|CERN related information]] * [[computing:computing|Computing related information]] * [[root:root|ROOT for beginners and useful examples]] * LaTeX: [[latex:feynman| typesetting Feynman diagram]] and [[latex:TikZ|drawing with TikZ]] * [[cmssw:cmgtools|Setting up and using CMG Tools (with Heppy)]]